The North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission (NVRC) is a bi-municipal organization created to deliver the City and District of North Vancouver’s culture and recreation programs and services. NVRC services include: the provision of quality recreation and arts experiences; operation of community recreation facilities; capacity building of arts and recreation organizations; cultural and recreation planning services; management of public art programs; and oversight of grants programs.
Guiding Principles for Arts and Cultural Service Delivery
- integrate the significant benefits of arts and culture into municipal planning and policy development and to strengthen the District and City’s leadership role and commitment to the creative sector.
- reinforce the contribution that the arts make to the livability of the community, particularly in respect of cultural tourism, economic development, social inclusion, diversity initiatives, sustainability and quality of life.
- work closely with municipal staff, local arts and culture groups, and community partners to ensure that North Vancouver’s creative sector is nurtured, celebrated and accessible.
- proactively seek out partnerships opportunities and initiatives that will maximize municipal investment in arts and culture.
- recognize and support diverse forms of multi-cultural practices and artistic expressions that celebrate the City’s distinctive cultural identity.
NVRC Customers
- Citizens of the City and District of North Vancouver
- Mayors and Councils
- City Manager’s/District Manager’s Office
- Departments of the City and District
- North Shore non-profit arts and culture organizations
- North Shore creative sector and related businesses
- Private sector development community
- Outside agencies, boards and commissions – eg.Vancouver North Shore Tourism Association, NV Chamber of Commerce, BC Culture Days Task Force
- Local artists, arts educators and creative practitioners
- Other levels of government
Current Services Provided
- Coordination of Operating and Project grants programs, as well as Core Funding grants to four leading arts organizations to operate and program civic cultural facilities in the City and District of North Vancouver: Presentation House Gallery, Presentation House Theatre, the North Vancouver Community Arts Council, and the Seymour Art Gallery.
- Coordination of promotional programs and community outreach initiatives.
- Ongoing review of cultural facilities to determine changing needs, physical plant condition, facility use and users.
- Management of the City and District’s Public Art programs including; Civic, Development and Community Public Art programs.
- Liaison with local tourism agency, hospitality and related service providers, business and governmental organizations to identify key products, activities and services that may contribute to a collaborative cultural tourism strategy.
- Work with municipal planners and other departments to identify areas of the City and District with respect to cultural districts, public art, community celebrations and signature events, cultural facilities and/or built structures.