Document Title: Getting on Board: A Governance Resource Guide for Arts Organisations
Organization: Creative New Zealand
Type of document: Guide
Level: All Levels
Description: This 88-page PDF contains information that an organization needs to understand typical governance challenges, the role of governance, leadership, management, risk and board processes. The guide posits that it is not a "recipe book for good governance – there are no perfect solutions or universal prescriptions. It is hoped, however, that its description of some basic principles will provide food for thought that will stimulate arts boards to discuss and review their own governance performance. The guide contains external resources, articles and exercises.
Notes: Although it is written from a New Zealander's perspective, it is relevant to the Canadian experience.
Document Title: Non-Profit Sector Leadership Program Resources
Organization: Dalhousie University
Type of document: Online Resource
Level: All Levels
Description: Dalhousie University's Non-Profit Sector Leadership Program provides links to useful information and articles dealing with three main areas: Governance & Board Development; Leadership & Management; and General Voluntary Sector Links. From "A Guide to Successful Board Recruitment" to articles on running meetings, the links provided contain information that is helpful to all levels of boards.
Notes: Canadian resource.
Document Title: Non-Profit Organizations Useful Links
Organization: Tax Detective
Type of document: Online Resource
Level: All Levels
Description: A helpful resource page containing links to other websites about charitable status, society status, tax filings etc.
Notes: Canadian resource so the information is specific to Canada.
Document Title: A - Z Directory for Board Governance
Organization: Volunteer BC
Type of document: Guide & Online Resource
Level: All Levels
Description: An introduction to board development aimed at three levels of experience. The material is available online and as a 103-page downloadable PDF. "The A - Z Directory for Board Governance" is appropriate for organizations in the early stages of building a board to organizations who have been in existence for a few years to more mature organizations with experienced board members. Each colour-coded section is designed as a stand alone section with individual chapters which address challenges relevant to your board.
Notes: Canadian resource.
Document Title: Board Café Archives
Organization: Compass Point
Type of document: Resource Page
Level: All Levels
Description: An online listing of links to resources in a range of areas that benefit board development, from committees to recruiting, meetings, board chairs, and more.
Notes: This resource is American.
Document Title: Volunteers and the Law
Organization: Volweb
Type of document: Online Resource
Level: All Levels
Description: This booklet educates board members (and other types of volunteers) about how the law applies to their volunteer activities to help them minimize the risks they take.
Notes: Canadian resource.
Document Title: Understanding Financial Statements
Organization: Alberta Board Development Program
Type of document: Article
Level: Beginner
Description: This eight-page document explains the basics concepts and terms of Financial Statements providing clarity for an area that befuddles a lot of board members at all stages of development.
Notes: Canadian resource.
Document Title: Free Complete Toolkit for Boards
Organization: Free Management Library
Type of document: Online Resource
Level: All Levels
Description: Articles cover basic board issues with more in-depth information available through other sources. Board information can be found in two categories of "Board Operations" and "Board Governance."
Notes: This resource is American and as a result many articles are particular to American issues but can be adapted to Canadian scenarios.
Document Title: Articles Library
Organization: Community Driven Institute
Type of document: Online Resource
Level: All Levels
Description: This online resource contains numerous articles written by the principals of a non-profit management consultancy that focuses on the power of non-profits to create a healthy, compassionate, vibrant world. The site breaks down the articles into "Governance" and "Board Mechanics." The articles are first-hand accounts of experiences in the non-profit world.
Notes: This resource is American.