- September 23, 2020
Edgemont Senior Living Inc., in partnership with the District of North Vancouver, invites expressions of interest from artists or artist teams to design and integrate site specific art at this soon-to-be constructed seniors' supportive living residence located at a prominent intersection one block from the heart of Edgemont Village.
- September 23, 2020
The North Shore Culture Days weekend is almost here and with 60+ events now registered, it's looks like we're in store for an exciting three days of creative activity!
Posters, brochures, buttons and balloons have been circulated and the media has been alerted! If you're hosting an event, you'll find it in the special 4-page North Shore Culture Days insert in the Wednesday September 24th issue in the North Shore News.
Please join us on Friday September 26th from 5:00-5:30pm for the North Shore Culture Days Kick Off in Shipbuilders' Square at the final Friday Night Market of the season. Our three North Shore Mayors will be centre stage with special musical guests from Trooper, Doug & the Slugs and Fairfield music to help kick off the celebrations. Please spread the word, grab family and friends, and come on down to the waterfront to share in the festivities! Learn more at www.artsoffice.ca/enews
- September 22, 2020
Mayors Face the Music!
Shipbuilder's Square, Lower Lonsdale
Friday September 26, 5pmMayors from all three north shore municipalities will be centrestage at the final Friday Night Market of the season to help kick off North Shore Culture Days. They will be joined by NVRC commissioner Lynn Jest, and special musical guests; drummer Clayton Hill (Trooper), guitarist John Burton (Doug and the Slugs), singer Rose McNeil, and the talented students from Fairfield Music.
The event starts at 5:00pm sharp and is scheduled to end at 5:40pm. Each of the Mayors will speak briefly about our creative north shore community. We hope that you can join us for this free, fun-filled, public event.
PLUS - Look for the special North Shore Culture Days insert in the North Shore News this Wednesday, September 24th.
For more information about North Shore Culture Days, event listings and downloadable brochure, visit artsoffice.ca/news/ns_cdays
Please RSVP:
Barb McLean, North Shore Culture Days Coordinator
604 982-3894 - September 08, 2020
North Shore Culture Days is just around the corner and there are more than 70 events now registered! We kick off on Friday September 26th at 5pm in Shipbuilders' Square at the final Friday Night Market of the season. North Vancouver City Mayor Darrell Mussatto, North Vancouver District Mayor Richard Walton, and West Vancouver Mayor Michael Smith will be centre stage with special musical guests from Fairfield Music including: Clayton Hill (of Trooper fame!), singer Rose McNeil, and a whole bunch of enthusiasic guitar students.
The success of this annual community celebration will depend on our collective ability to engage the public with this fantastic line up of free activities and events. Whether you are presenting a Culture Days event this year or not, we hope you will help us spread the word!
- August 15, 2020
REMINDER! Staburn Property Group is seeking an artist or a team of artists to create artwork associated with the development of a new mixed-use complex location in the Lower Lonsdale neighbourhood of North Vancouver. It is intended that the artwork will be an iconic piece which will help bring attention and sense of place to the Mews. Submission deadline is August 22, 2014, 2pm.
- August 06, 2020
North Shore Culture Days events are falling into place and the promotional wheels are starting to turn in preparation for the September 26, 27, 28 Culture Days weekend. North Vancouver District Mayor Richard Walton, City Mayor Darrell Mussatto and West Vancouver Mayor Michael Smith will be out in full creative force on September 26th for the Culture Days Kick Off in Shipbuilders' Square at the final Friday Night Market of the season.
There's still time to get involved in the FREE promotions coordinated by North Vancouver Recreation & Culture (NVRC). Local arts, culture and heritage groups that host a Culture Days event will be included in a special 4-page spread in the September 24th issue of the North Shore News, as well as a North Shore Culture Days brochure that will be distributed widely. To take advantage of these promotional opportunities, events must be registered by August 27th.
- July 31, 2020
The City of North Vancouver in partnership with Squamish Nation, is seeking Expressions of Interest from Squamish Nation Artists to create and install contemporary Coast Salish public artworks along a new section of the North Shore Spirit Trail between Mosquito Creek Marina and Bewicke Avenue. Submission deadline is September 5, 2014.
- July 23, 2020
In this issue of artsNews:
- Presenting the North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission
- North Shore Culture Days gaining momentum
- Culture Cram at North Van District Libraries
- Blueridge International Chamber Music Festival growing up
- Vancouver Biennale Pavilion on the waterfront
- Seymour Art Gallery exhibition artist goes National
Let us know if you have a story to tell about arts, culture and/or creative activities, ideas or experiences that you've come across here on the North Shore. We'll do our best to include something in an upcoming artsNews. Contact for details.
Check the ON! events calendar and find out about all of the arts and cultural activities happening this summer on the North Shore.
The NVRC cultural services team,
Barb McLean, John Rice & Lori PhillipsARTS I CULTURE I NORTH VANCOUVER
- Request for Expressions of Interest & Call for Qualifications - Maplewood Townhomes, North VancouverJuly 03, 2020
Anthem Properties is seeking an artist or a team of artists to create artwork associated with the development of Maplewood Townhomes, a new residential complex located at 433 Seymour River Place in North Vancouver. This Call has been prepared to solicit responses from artists experienced with budgeting, fabrication and working with design teams. Submission deadline is July 24, 2014.
- June 10, 2020
Included in this month's artsNews:
- Artists Among Us Sing
- 2014 Grants Approved
Getting Set for Culture Days
- North Shore Jazz Fest
- Putting Public Art on the Map
Check the ON! events calendar and find out about all of the arts and cultural activities happening here on the North Shore.
The NVRC Arts team,
- June 10, 2020
NEW: Site Map added (see below)**. This summer, the City of North Vancouver will be commencing a streetscape renovation, and transit and pedestrian facilities upgrade project on Lonsdale Avenue between Esplanade and Third Street. This is a call for Expressions of Interest from the City of North Vancouver Public Art Program, seeking an artist or artist team to integrate site specific public art on the Lonsdale Avenue median. The deadline for submissions is 4pm, Friday June 13, 2014.
- June 05, 2020
The Arts Office administers Community Public Art Programs on behalf of the City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver. Applications are now being accepted for the 2014 Community Public Art Program in the City and District of North Vancouver.
The NEW application deadline is Monday June 30, 2014.
Pictured above: "Back Door Artists" at North Shore Neighbourhood House. A 2013 City of North Vancouver Community Public Art Project spearheaded by local artists Therese Lydia Joseph and Iris Low.
- May 22, 2021
North Shore Culture Days returns September 26, 27, 28, so get ready to get creative! Culture Days is an opportunity for people of all ages, abilities and 'artistic persuasions' to explore and participate in a variety of free, hands-on, interactive and behind-the-scenes activities. North Shore arts, culture and heritage groups, libraries, community rec centres, galleries, and creative community organizations that host North Shore Culture Days activities can take advantage of the FREE North Shore News promotion coordinated by the Arts Office. Building on the success of the 2013 North Shore Culture Days celebrations where we ranked in the Top #10 of Culture Days communitiies across Canada, we're keen to raise even more public awareness and participation for 2014. Read on to find out how you can get involved.....
- May 13, 2021
Included in this month's eNews:
- Robert More, Artist Among Us
- A Meeting You Can't Miss
- 15th Annual Art in the Garden Tour
- Public Art Swims Upstream
- Smith Gallery Exposed
North Shore
's Culture Days
Check the ON! events calendar and find out about all of the arts and cultural activities happening here on the North Shore.
The Arts Office team,
- May 01, 2021
DEADLINE CORRECTION: Due to an error on the Call document, the confirmed deadline for this Call is Monday May 5, 2014.
The District of North Vancouver has identified an opportunity for public art to be considered and integrated into a concept design for the new Keith Road Bridge spanning Lynn Creek. The municipality is seeking a professional artist able to design one-of-a-kind elements that can be creatively incorporated into the required bridge components such as railings, lighting, sidewalks and retaining walls. The scope of this call is limited to creating the final design packaage in consultation with a project design team, with a main contractor being responsible for its fabrication and installation.
- April 29, 2021
Public Art Information Session
Wednesday April 30th @ 4pm
District of North Vancouver Municipal Hall
355 Queens Road, North VancouverArtists, design teams and other interested parties are invited to an Information Session to learn more about the four site specific public artworks that will be integrated into the new William Griffin Community Recreation Centre project in North Vancouver.
- April 17, 2021
The Arts Office is accepting Expressions of Interest from professional artists or artist teams to integrate site specific public artworks as part of a new Community Recreation Centre project at 851 West Queens Road in North Vancouver. There are four public art opportunities associated with this Call. Artists may apply to be considered for one, two, three, or all four projects outlined in this package. The submission deadline is Friday May 16, 2014.
- April 14, 2021Marcon Lynn Valley Homes Ltd. (MLVH) is seeking a British Columbia-based artist or team of artists to create artwork(s) associated with the development of a new residential complex and redevelopment of Lynn Valley United Church and surrounding property. Submission deadline is May 12, 2014, 2pm.
- April 14, 2021
Included in this month's eNews:
- Artist Among Us Ian Steward celebrates the art of restoration
- Streetscapes of Edgemont Village unveiled at Capilano Branch Library
- North Shore Neighbourhood House lightens up
- North Shore Art Crawl bigger and better
- Street level nature art
- North Shore Culture Days redux
Check the ON! calendar and find out about all of the arts and cultural activities happening here on the North Shore.
The Arts Office team,
- March 19, 2021
Creative community highlights this month include:
- Brazilian artists on the waterfront
- Scrap-happy public art
- A spine 'ting'ling offer from Lions Gate Sinfonia
- District libraries celebrate the big 5-0
- Traffic box artist of the month
Check the ON! calendar and find out about all of the arts and cultural activities happening here on the North Shore.
The Arts Office team,
- February 26, 2021
This is a call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from the City of North Vancouver Public Art Program, seeking an artist or artist team to create and install site specific Public Art as part of the 2014 Chief Mathias Joe Park renewal project. Submission deadline is Monday March 24, 2014, 4pm.
- February 19, 2021
This month's creative community highlights:
- North Shore Culture Days makes Canada's 'Top 10' list
- DNV staffer Deirdre Rogers is Artist Among Us
- Guest writer Karen Moola tells us about Culture Babes
- Pigs and art at the Smith Gallery
- Cascadia's special arts programs
- Traffic box artist of the month
- Next Generation board development workshop
Check the ON! calendar and find out about all of the arts and cultural activities happening here on the North Shore.
The Arts Office team,
- January 16, 2021
Happy New Year!
2014 is here and the North Shore arts scene is busy as ever! In this month's Artists Among Us column, we meet a multi-talented staffer at Maplewood Farm. There's 'hot' AIR to share at the SAG; music and fashion take centre stage at Centennial Theatre; more community arts workshops; and, we unveil North Vancouver's one-of-a-kind 2014 Public Art calendar.
If you're looking for something creative to kick start your new year, check the ON! calendar to find out about arts, culture and heritage events happening right here on Vancouver's North Shore!
The Arts Office Team
Barb, Lori & John - December 05, 2020
With the festive season now upon us, the wide range of arts and cultural events happening here on the North Shore is guaranteed to make spirits bright! In this holiday issue we ask our Mayors to divulge their favourite holiday tunes. We applaud our local MLA's for their support and 'focus' on the arts! There's news on a young 'traffic box' artist, 2014 grants info, and gift ideas that will ease holiday shopping stress and support local artists at the same time.
Tis' the season to be jolly and we at the Arts Office extend our very best wishes to all for a joyful holiday season and inspiring New Year!
The Arts Office Team
Ian, Barb, Lori and JohnHoliday Hours: The Arts Office will be closed Tuesday December 24th and will re-open on Monday January 6, 2014.
- November 07, 2020
We're all about recognition this month! In Artists Among Us, we recognize a North Van City staffer who advocates for art as a vehicle for change. We recognize a number of award-winning individuals from our music and heritage sectors. And, our public art collection gets lots of recognition sitting at top spot on North Shore Tourism's attractions list.
Plus, there's news about an upcoming Audience Development workshop, and more success stories from North Shore Culture Days. Check the ON! calendar and find out about all of the arts and cultural activities happening here on the North Shore. Each and every one of them is so worthy of recognition!
The Arts Office team,
- November 01, 2020
Following on the success and feedback from the inaugural Survivor 101 workshop last Fall, the Regional Cultural Development Advisory Committee, through Metro Vancouver, has partnered with four municipalities to present Survivor 101 - The Next Generation.
The Next Generation series will focus on funding, audience development, marketing and board development - key areas that participants expressed an interest in learning more about. If you are a staff member, board member, volunteer, performer, artist, start-up visionary, or tenaciously holding on to a community arts organization in the terminal stages of decline, these workshops are for you!
Next up is the Audience Development workshop, hosted by the North Vancouver Arts Office on November 21st, 1:00-4:00pm, Lynn Valley Library Community Room.
- November 01, 2020
The North Vancouver Public Art Advisory Committee (NVPAAC) is currently accepting applications for volunteer service on the 2014 Committee.
The NVPAAC is a volunteer body of nine members chosen for their background, knowledge and expertise in the area of public art, architecture, art, urban design, art history or residential development. NVPAAC members are appointed for a two-year term and are required to attend one monthly meeting. In addition, members may occasionally be asked to serve on a time-limited, project-specific, public art selection panel.
Current Openings:
- Artistic Community Member - an artist that resides, or has a work studio in the City of North Vancouver
- Community Member - community member with a passion for the arts residing in the City of North Vancouver
- Member-at-Large - community member with relevant experience residing in the District of North Vancouver
- Developer - a developer with an interest in North Vancouver
Application Deadline: Friday, December 6, 2020
For more information, please contact:
Lori Phillips, Public Art Coordinator
- October 30, 2020
Jane Thornthwaite, MLA for North Vancouver-Seymour will host a free seminar on Tuesday November 5th at Parkgate Community Centre for North Shore organizations who are considering applying for a Community Gaming Grant.
Guest speaker is Ursula Cowland, Executive Director of the Licensing and Grants Division of the Province of British Columbia, who will make a special trip from Victoria to talk about the program. Community gaming grants provide funding to eligible organizations for delivery of approved ongoing programs to their communities.
Ms. Cowlands will share basic information about the Community Gaming Grants program with respect to eligibility and the application process. In addition, she will have updates on any changes in the regulations and provide valuable tips on how to complete future grant applications.
This seminar was very popular last year so please register early to ensure your spot is reserved. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
November 5, 2020
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Parkgate Community Centre
3625 Banff Court, North VancouverRegister now:
phone: 604 983 9852The Arts Office extends a big thank you to MLA Jane Thornthwaite for organizing this seminar and for her continuing interest and support for arts and culture on the North Shore.
- October 10, 2020
A little stormy weather wasn't enough to dampen the spirits of local art lovers during North Shore Culture Days last month. In this issue we include event highlights, plus, we invite you to share your North Shore Culture Days experiences. If you have a story to tell, please email details to and we'll include it in an upcoming issue of the Arts Office eNews.
Also in this month's eNews: we profile a North Vancouver resident who goes to a very different place after hours; there's news on the FANS 17th Annual Tribute to the Arts; and, we welcome a new face to the North Shore visual arts community. Plus, there's information on Metro Vancouver's upcoming professional development series that is geared towards community arts and cultural groups.
A new season of creative activity has begun - check the ON! calendar to find out what's coming up. Or, please connect with us on social media and we'll share the
The Arts Office team,
- September 24, 2020
Please join us for the official North Shore Culture Days Kick Off. North Vancouver City Mayor Darrell Mussatto, North Vancouver District Mayor Richard Walton, West Vancouver Councillor Craig Cameron, the Adam Woodall Band, teen tappers, and the 'now famous' Senior Flash Mobsters will be on hand to help get the party started!
DATE: Thursday September 26, 2013
TIME: 5:00 - 6:00pm
LOCATION: Shipbuilders' Square on the waterfront in Lower Lonsdale!North Shore Culture Days is a tri-municipal undertaking coordinated by The Arts Office on behalf of the City and District of North Vancouver, with support from the District of West Vancouver It's part of the national Culture Days celebrations where artists and arts groups open their doors and invite community members of all ages and artistic inclinations to participate in a variety of free, interactive and behind-the-scenes activities.
- September 10, 2020
It's official! The City and District of North Vancouver have made proclamations in honour of North Shore Culture Days happening September 27, 28 & 29, 2013. Culture Days is a national movement to raise the awareness, accessibility and engagement of Canadians in the arts and cultural life of their communities. Here on the North Shore, we're thrilled to be playing our part in this nation-wide celebration, and even more excited about the 60+ events that will be happening right here in our own backyard!
Mayors from North Vancouver District and City, local musicians, and other special guests will be on hand to help kick things off on Thursday September 26, 5pm at Shipbuilder's Square in Lower Lonsdale in conjunction with the popular Thursday Night Market. Mark your calendars - everyone's invited!
Read on for highlights in this month's eNews and then check out the full list of North Shore Culture Days events at artsoffice.ca. Plus, look for the special North Shore Culture Days Map & Guide in the September 25th issue of the North Shore News.
FREE, family-friendly events for creative adventure seekers of all ages, North Shore Culture Days is a great way to experience the local art scene, try something new, or unleash your inner artist!
The Arts Office team,
- August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020 - The District of North Vancouver Public Art Program, in partnership with Guildford Brooke Estates invites creative professionals interested in providing a site specific, functional, public art project on Mt Seymour Parkway. Guildford Brooke Estates is planning to build a multi-unit townhouse project adjacent to Mt Seymour Parkway and as part of the development package they have dedicated funding for road improvements and public art. The District of North Vancouver recognizing that the location of this project serves as a key gateway location, has also contributed public art funds to the project. The goal of this public art project is to create an inventive functional fencing feature that will serve both as a bike lane barrier separating the cyclists from vehicle traffic and a public artwork that is distinctive and meaningful for area residents. Submission deadline is Monday September 16, 2020 @ 4pm.
- August 23, 2020
The Arts Office administers a wide range of community, arts and cultural grant programs on behalf of the City and District of North Vancouver. This investment focuses on local, not-for-profit arts groups and community agencies; recognizes creative sector activity as a cornerstone of a vital, energetic community; and supports the rich diversity of cultural life on the North Shore. Project Grants support an eclectic and exciting range of arts activities, community celebrations, festivals and other projects that reflect the spirit, creativity and diversity of the community.
- August 15, 2020
Blame it on the sunshine! The popularity of outdoor concerts, festivals, craft fairs and community celebrations has taken us to a whole new level here on the North Shore as our record-breaking summer of great weather continues.
Plus, momentum continues to build for North Shore Culture Days happening September 27, 28 & 29 in North and West Vancouver. With over 40 intriguing and free activities already registered, it will be a great opportunity for everyone to get 'up close and personal' with art and artists, and to catch a sneak peak of a whole bunch of creative places and spaces in our community. Read on for details on how you can participate.
Check out the ON! events calendar for a full line up of arts and cultural events happening all summer long. Enjoy!
The Arts Office team,
- August 02, 2020
If your North Shore Culture Days event is already registered on the Culture Days website (culturedays.ca), you're also included in the event listings at North Shore Culture Days. Plus, your listing will appear in the North Shore News 'special 4-page section' in the September 25th issue. This free listing will include the basic information for your event. And, if you're looking for a little extra attention, you can increase the amount of descriptive copy in the listing and include your group's logo for just $95.
The deadline to have your North Shore Culture Days event included in the free or enhanced listings in the North Shore News is Monday September 9, 2013.
How to register your North Shore Culture Days activity:
- Go to www.culturedays.ca - Present an Activity.
- Fill in the event info: don't worry if you don't have all of the details confirmed, you can always go back and update the listing.
- In the event description box, include the following to ensure that people connect with our local celebrations: Participating in North Shore Culture Days.
- Don't forget to upload a great photo of your event, participating artist(s), or organization.
- Confirm your participation by September 9, 2013. Email the Arts Office .
- Interested in the North Shore News $95 enhanced listing offer? Email the Arts Office [email protected]
For more information about North Shore Culture Days - the benefits of participating and related promotional opportunities - visit North Shore Culture Days.
Need more information, ideas or support? Give us a call!
Barb McLean or Laura Morrison, The Arts Office
- July 18, 2020
North Shore parks, waterfront, villages and town centres are all alive with the sweet sounds of summer, and the creative juices are flowing for North Shore Culture Days. We take a sneak peak at some of the activities currently in development, and in this month's Artist Among Us series you'll meet acclaimed author kc dyer. kc has joined the team as North Shore Culture Days 'ninja writer' and will use her secret literary weapons to help share the excitement in the lead up to the September celebrations.
There's geocaching and family headdress making workshops to talk about too. One thing's for sure - there's never a dull moment in this creative community!
Check out the ON! events calendar for a full line up of arts and cultural events happening all summer long.
The Arts Office team,
- July 08, 2020
North Shore Culture Days takes place September 27, 28 & 29 in creative places and spaces from Deep Cove to Horseshoe Bay. It's an opportunity for the North Shore community to participate in the creative process, gain insights into different artistic practices, discover new places, and experience the exciting 'behind the scenes' world of arts and culture.
Hosting an event? If you register your North Shore Culture Days activity now, you can take advantage of FREE local and national media promotional opportunities.
North Shore News - Be included in the North Shore Culture Days 4-page spread in the September 25th issue of the North Shore News. To participate, activities must be registered at www.culturedays.ca.
Globe & Mail Newspaper - Register your North Shore Culture Days now and your activity may be featured in a Culture Days ad in The Globe & Mail during the lead up to the big weekend this September! *See rules and regulations for more details.
Everyone is encouraged to get involved – whether you're a professional or amateur cultural creator (artist, artisan, educator, animateur, historian, curator, choreographer, culinary artist, designer, to name a few), municipality, library, tourist attraction, restaurant or cafe – you can play a part in North Shore Culture Days.
Check out the Call for Participants here!
It's easy to register too....
- July 02, 2020
The District of North Vancouver in partnership with Kevington Building Corporation Ltd. invites Expressions of Interest from artists or artist teams to design and integrate site specific public art into Edgemont Commons, a commercial development located in Edgemont Village in the District of North Vancouver. Submission deadline is Wednesday July 24, 2013, 4pm.
- July 02, 2020
Shore Projects Ltd. is pleased to invite Artist and/or Artist Teams to submit design proposals for the creation of three different public art works that will be included in The Shore, a new residential development located at 720 West 2nd Street in the City of North Vancouver, between Marine Drive, Fell Avenue, and East 2nd Street Connector and Bewicke Avenue.
The City of North Vancouver’s vision for the redevelopment of its former City Works Yard site is to develop the area into a gateway precinct of interrelated, livable, neighbourly residential and mixed use developments, highly accessible to the public and with community amenities that include a park and trail system for Mosquito Creek.
There are three (3) separate public art calls for design proposals for The Shore, each with a different conceptual framework, theme, and budget. The Public Art Projects are entitled: Crossing, Arrival and Reflection.
General Information Meeting - Interested artists are encouraged to attend this meeting to learn more about The Shore's Public Art Project.
DATE: Tuesday July 9, 2020
TIME: 10am
LOCATION: Adera, Tower II, Suite 1165, Bentall Room
555 Burrard Street,VancouverRSVP: Kari Huhtala, Public Art Consultant,
- June 19, 2020
The District of North Vancouver Public Art Program, coordinated through the North Vancouver Arts Office is currently accepting Expressions of Interest from artists or artist teams to create and install a site specific public artwork at the Lynn Valley Village. Anchored by Lynn Valley Public Library, this pedestrian-only village has a diverse selection of shops and service, many of which are focused on environmentally conscious products and green alternatives, in keeping with the lifestyle and landscape of the Lynn Valley community.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday July 15, 2013, 4pm.
- June 14, 2020
June is here and we have lots of creative north shore news to share! There's a spectacular new community public art mural to boast about; info on an inspiring artist-led walk in the forest; and, our monthly update on North Shore Culture Days includes a Call for Participation! We shine the Artists Among Us spotlight on a talented Box Office Assistant at CapU's NSCU Theatre; and we help spread the news about the North Shore Celtic Ensemble's special concert in Shipbuilder's Square happening later this month.
Do you have a North Shore arts-related story to tell? Email details to and we'll do our best to include it in an upcoming issue of the Arts Office eNews.
The Arts Office team,
ON! events calendar. Looking for some summer fun? For a full line up of events, check out ON! North Shore artists, arts, culture and heritage groups are invited to submit event information for free.
- June 06, 2020
North Shore Culture Days is a three-day celebration of arts, culture and creativity that happens September 26, 27, 28, 2014. Local artists, arts and cultural groups and creative organizations invite the community to participate in FREE "hands-on" and "behind the scenes" activities. It's a tri-municipal undertaking coordinated by the North Vancouver Recreation & Culture with support from the City and District of North Vancouver, District of West Vancouver and Vancouver North Shore Tourism Association.
For more information about North Shore Culture Days - the benefits of participating and related promotional opportunities - visit www.artsoffice.ca/news/ns_cdays.
Please share this opportunity with others in the North Shore creative community.
LIKE us, and we'll share the love!
- May 14, 2021
Lots happening during the merry month of May! There's a North Shore Culture Days update, and news that a North Vancouver artist has been selected to represent BC at the first ever National Culture Days Congress! In addition, there's grants news, community outreach stories, promotional opportunities, and more!
Please feel free to LIKE us, FOLLOW us, and to SHARE any of the stories you read in this months' eNews. And remember, if you or your organization have a creative story to tell, let us know and we'll do our best to include it in an upcoming issue of the Arts Office eNews!
The Arts Office team,
- May 13, 2021
Toby’s North Vancouver is inviting artists to design a site-specific public art piece at our Lot 'B' development in North Vancouver. Lot 'B' is located on Barrow Street near the corner of Main Street and Mountain Highway in the District of North Vancouver, just west of the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge. The site is currently the parking lot of the former Lynnwood Inn.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: June 15, 2013, 3:00pm
- April 23, 2021
North Shore Culture Days returns September 27, 28, 29, 2013 and we're laying plans for another year of celebrations stretching from Deep Cove to Horseshoe Bay. The Arts Office invites you to learn more, get inspired, and get involved.
Monday April 29, 2021
Lynn Valley Library Community Room
1177 Lynn Valley Road, North VancouverNorth Shore Culture Days is part of the annual three-day national celebration where artists, arts and cultural groups, businesses and creative organizations come together and invite their local communities to participate in free interactive and "behind the scenes" activities to discover their creative spirit and passion. In addition to tapping into the community's creative spirit, North Shore Culture Days has the potential to:
- Build audiences and find new supporters for your organization;
- Attract new customers, clients, participants;
- Promote the North Shore as hot bed of creative activity!
- April 16, 2021
Rain or shine, April is a busy month filled with lots of creative activities happening both indoors and out! Highlights include the North Shore Writers Festival and the North Shore Art Crawl. Visit the ON! calendar for event details and find out what else is happening in your 'hood' in the coming weeks.
In this month's Artist Among Us column, you'll find out what DNV staffer Geoff Hill loves to dive into after hours! And, there's an update on North Shore Culture Days and an invitation to an INFO+IDEAS session for North and West Vancouver individual artists, groups and businesses interested in getting involved in the Culture Days celebrations this September.
Please remember to like us, follow us, and share the Arts Office eNews. And, if you have a creative story to tell, let us know and we'll do our best to include it in an upcoming issue!
The Arts Office team
- April 15, 2021
April 15, 2021 - BT Investments Ltd. is now accepting expressions of interest from artists or artist teams to design and integrate site-specific public art at their new 131 East Third street development called 'The Anchor' in North Vancouver.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday May 24, 2021 @ 4pm
The development is mixed use, condos, market rental units and commercial ground floor unit. The choice of building name, 'The Anchor', reflects several themes. It has an obvious ship building connotation, and as well represents some symbolism for an opportunity for those downsizing, or those looking to stay where they were brought up, to 'Anchor' themselves to the North Shore. The building should attract locals and the 'Anchor' motif may give inspiration to artists expanding upon that theme.
Project: 131 East 3rd St. 'The Anchor', City of North Vancouver
Budget: $23,500
Eligibility: This opportunity is open to professional artists, artist teams and design professionals who are able to meet the creative, eligibility and performance criteria; and, can demonstrate the skills to manage all phases of the implementation from design to installation coordination with the design team and the construction contractors.
Submission Deadline: Friday May 24, 2021 @ 4pm
Download the complete Call for Expressions of Interest (PDF).
Kamran Tafreshi, Project Coordinator
Email: (preferred method)
Address: 126 – 998 Harbourside Drive, North Vancouver, BC, V7P 3T2Tel: 604-306-3535
Fax: 604-924-8081Visit the Arts Office website for more information about Public Art in North Vancouver: www.artsoffice.ca/public_art/
LIKE us! Arts Office on Facebook
- March 21, 2021
From the top of Cypress Mountain to bustling town centres and distinctive neighbourhoods - the North Shore is brimming with springtime arts and cultural activities! In this month's newsletter we profile Artist Among Us Louise Ranger, NV Chamber of Commerce 'mover and shaker' by day and aspiring artist after hours. There's music on the mountain; biodiverse public art; an update on Culture Plan 2013-2023: Creative Spirit North Vancouver; North Shore Culture Days; and suggested 'play dates' for upcoming theatre productions.
Talk is fine, but experiencing the arts is even better. Visit the ON! event calendar to find out what's happening in your neighbourhood.
The Arts Office team
- February 26, 2021
Culture Plan 2013-2023: Creative Spirit North Vancouver is the working title for a new Cultural Plan that will inform and guide the delivery of arts and cultural services for North Vancouver over the next 10+ years. The Arts Office has invited the public, members of the arts and cultural community and creative industries to an Info~Input Session to learn more and provide input on the draft Cultural Plan.
While there will be an opportunity for Mayor and Council to review the draft Plan before it is finalized, you are welcome to join in the community conversation.
EVENT: Cultural Plan 2013-2023: Creative Spirit North Vancouver Info~Input Session
DATE: Thursday February 28, 2021
TIME: 4:00-6:00pm
LOCATION: Lynn Valley Library Community Room, 1277 Lynn Valley Rd., North Vancouver
RSVP by Feb. 27th to
- February 21, 2021
In our February eNews, we want to share the creative spirit and innovative thinking that has been infusing the development of a new cultural plan over the past year. The public is invited to a Community Info~Input Session on February 28th to learn more about the process and provide feedback on Culture Plan 2013-2023: Creative Spirit North Vancouver.
In our Artists Among Us series we shine the spotlight on a recent recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee medal. Plus, we celebrate the unveiling of The Salmon People, a beautiful new mural created at last year's North Shore Culture Days. Read on for these and other stories about what's happening in our creative north shore community!
Do you have a creative story to share? Contact Barb McLean at for opportunities to 'tell all' in the Arts Office monthly eNews!
The Arts Office team,