NEW! Arts & Culture Grants Program FAQ's & Program Guidelines
Download the document here (PDF).
- Operating Assistance
- Program & Project Assistance
- Celebrations & Events Assistance
- Community Public Art
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, March 7, 2016, 4:30 PM
2016 GRANTS: EARLY INTAKE [closed]
For activity that takes place between January 1 and April 30, 2016.
- Program & Project Assistance
- Celebrations & Events Assistance
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, December 17, 2015, 4:30 PM
- November 2015 - In the Fall of 2013 a Municipal Grants Policy & Program Review was undertaken to address challenges with the program and create new policy. The grants review included: stakeholder (client) input; a review of best practices in other jurisdictions; focus groups; and consultations with staff and Councils at the City and District. Key directions and recommendations have been incorporated into the new policy that was adopted by City and District Councils in November 2015.
- As part of 2015 Culture Days, NVRC Cultural Services staff will offer a free workshop for current and prospective grant applicants. The presentation provided an inside look into our annual arts and cultural grants programs. Friday September 25, 10-11:30am at John Braithwaite Community Centre.
- North Vancouver Recreation & Culture administers Project and Operating Grants programs on behalf of the City and District of North Vancouver. The following list of 2015 Operating Grants and Project Grants (Round 2) have been approved by Mayors and Councils.
- February 2015 - North Vancouver Recreation & Culture provides project grants to all kinds of arts activities, events, community celebrations and festivals that reflect the spirit, creativity and diversity of North Vancouver. Councils for the City and District of North Vancouver approved Project Grants for the following activities.
- June 2014 - The Arts Office and the North Vancouver Recreation Commission have joined forces to become North Vancouver Recreation & Culture (NVRC). Grant recipients are asked to use the NVRC logo instead of the Arts Office logo when acknowledging the support of the City and District of North Vancouver.