The North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission will establish an Arts & Culture Grants Review Committee that will review and provide input on Arts & Culture Grant requests and make recommendations to NVRC on the disbursement of grant monies.
February 2016: Call for Community Volunteers
The North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission is currently seeking volunteers from the local community to serve on the Arts & Culture Grants Review Committee.
Duties: The Arts & Culture Grants Review Committee shall review and provide input on Arts & Culture Grant requests based on established criteria, and make recommendations to the North Vancouver Recreation & Commission on the disbursement of grant monies. The City and District’s Arts & Culture Grants Policies, adopted in 2015, guide the consideration, evaluation and recommendations of the Grants Review Committee.
Residency requirement: Grants Review Committee members must be residents of North Vancouver.
Qualifications: The Grants Review Committee shall consist of 5 qualified members, plus one member of the Commission. Committee members will be selected by the Commission based on their experience and expertise in any of the following areas: visual and performing arts, community celebrations, events, community public art projects, and the local not-for-profit sector. Every effort will be made to avoid any conflict of interest between committee members and grant applicants. Should a direct or perceived conflict be identified, NVRC Conflict of Interest rules shall be applied.
Term of Office: Committee Members will be appointed for a two-year term and can be appointed for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Time Commitment: It is expected that Committee members will meet approximately 4 to 8 times per year to review grant applications. In addition, Committee members will need to allocate time for the review of grant applications.
Upcoming 2016 Grants Review Dates: It is expected that the Committee will be required for the period mid-March to mid-May 2016.
Application form: Please download and complete the attached WORD document.
NVRC complies with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Information collected on this form is used in accordance with this legislation.
Contact: For further information about the Arts & Culture Grants Review Committee, please contact John Rice, NVRC Cultural Services Officer at 604 983-6466 or