Organization: BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
Program: Direct Access Major Capital Project Grant
Program description:
Major Capital Projects have a total cost of more than $20,000 and include the construction of new facilities, renovation or maintenance of existing facilities, and property development. These types of projects must provide significant community benefit and be accessible to the public.
Program eligibility:
A Major Capital Project may be eligible for a grant where: the project is undertaken by an eligible organization primarily for community benefit; upon completion, the project or the facility within which the project is located is for public use. The building is owned and maintained by an eligible organization or local government; and the project is located on: land that is owned by an eligible organization; land owned by a local government and leased to an eligible organization; or public land. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.eia.gov.bc.ca/gaming/grants/majorcapital.htm
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Cultural Spaces Canada
Program description:
Objectives: To improve physical conditions for artistic creativity and innovation. To increase access for Canadians to performing arts, visual arts, media arts, and to museum collections and heritage displays. To support the improvement, renovation, and construction of arts and heritage facilities, and the acquisition of specialized equipment as well as conducting feasibility studies.
Program eligibility:
Non-profit arts and heritage organizations incorporated under Part II of the Canada Business Corporations Act or under corresponding provincial or territorial legislation may apply. Provincial/territorial governments, municipal, or regional governments and their agencies, as well as First Nations and Inuit equivalent governments.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.pch.gc.ca
Organization: Government of BC - ActNow BC
Program: Towns For Tomorrow
Program description:
Towns For Tomorrow opens the door for BC’s smaller communities to improve their local infrastructure and become even better places to live and work.
Program eligibility:
Municipalities with populations up to 15,000 and regional districts as well as local governments with populations of 5,000 or less and the Central Coast Regional District can apply for Towns for Tomorrow grants. Under the cost-share program, the Province will provide 80 per cent of the funding for approved projects, with communities funding the remaining 20 per cent, up to a maximum total value of $500,000. A total of $7 million is available each year for the next three years.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.townsfortomorrow.gov.bc.ca
Organization: Vancouver Foundation
Program description:
The Vancouver Foundation supports a wide range of projects that are of benefit to British Columbians. Funded activities often provide a direct service to the community, or take an innovative approach to a community concern. The Vancouver Foundation is responsive to changing community issues and priorities. Each of the above-mentioned Advisory Committees has developed goals reflecting its specific funding interests. The Foundation will consider requests for: program related projects (i.e. specific, time-limited activity or series of activities designed to meet certain goals); capital projects (i.e. construction, renovation or equipment purchases)
Program eligibility:
Eligible applicants include registered charities and qualified donees under the Income Tax Act. They must demonstrate fiscal responsibility and effective management. Grants are not made to individuals or to businesses. Under exceptional circumstances, the Foundation may consider organizations that are not yet registered charities. Program Directors are available to discuss such exceptions. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.vancouverfoundation.bc.ca