Organization: Arts Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent (CHUM Radio)
Program: ArtsFACT
Program Description: ArtsFACT is donating more than $500,000 to the Vancouver arts community. Grants of up to $10,000 will be available to not-for-profit arts organizations within the Vancouver area. In addition, there will be four ‘legacy’ grants of $50,000, to be awarded in each of the major arts disciplines – theatre, dance, music and visual arts.
ArtsFACT is a cultural initiative created by 103.5 QM/FM, now operated by CHUM Radio. Since its inception in 1993, ArtsFACT has already donated nearly $1 million to the Vancouver arts community.
The deadline for applications is November 12, 2010. Grants will be awarded in early 2011. Application forms and additional details can be found at http://www.qmfm.com/artsfact.asp
Organization: Assembly of BC Arts Councils
Program: BC Spirit Festivals - February 2011
Program Description: A limited number of grants are available to assist community, regional and Aboriginal arts organizations with programs that support the vision for the arts portion of the 2010 Sports and Arts Legacy program. The BC Spirit Festivals will be celebratory events created by arts and cultural communities to highlight the pride and excitement that define our province and inspire the next generation of artists.
- a member of the Assembly of BC Arts Councils
- an Aboriginal cultural organization
- an Aboriginal Friendship Centre
- a Band Council
Communities are encouraged to work collaboratively. Preference will be given to festival programs that build local partnerships. work with professional arts organizations, and engage professional artists and diverse communities.
For more information, visit Assembly of BC Arts Councils website:
Organization: PepsiCo Canada
Program: The Pepsi Refresh Project
Program Description: The Pepsi Refresh Project is an online grant program which makes available over a million dollars for projects that are intended to improve communities through an online, democratic voting process.
The program consists of six (6) categories:
1. HEALTH - fostering wellness;
2. ARTS CULTURE - celebrating the arts;
3. FOOD SHELTER - ideas for providing for the community;
4. NEIGHBOURHOODS - building better communities;
5. EDUCATION - helping people learn at any age; and
6. THE PLANET - ideas which help the planet (the "Categories").
Ideas from individuals, non-profit organizations and businesses that can make a positive impact in the community are welcome. Ideas should be feasible and completed 12 months from the date funds are awarded. Ideas must have impact within Canada.
All legal residents of Canada who are 13 years of age and older may apply. Every other month, a maximum of 300 ideas can be submitted. Every other month, up to 10 Pepsi Refresh Grant Recipients are selected.
For more information on the Pepsi Refresh Project visit: www.refresheverything.ca
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Cultural Capitals of Canada
Program description:
To celebrate and promote the arts and culture in Canadian municipalities through recognition of excellence and support for special activities. The program provides awards with matching contributions towards specific activities. These awards recognize past achievements of municipalities with an ongoing commitment to arts and culture. Through the Innovative Cultural Bridges Award, this program also supports initiatives submitted by communities to build partnerships or host reciprocal exchanges to share their communities' cultural identity.
Program eligibility:
Canadian municipalities, i.e. a town, city, regional municipality or district with a duly constituted government, including First Nations and Inuit equivalent governments, can apply for an award. For the Innovative Cultural Bridges Award, a group of two or more communities, located in at least two provinces or territories, must submit a joint application.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.pch.gc.ca
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Community Memories Program
Program description:
Objectives: to create a national online portrait of Canada's history by connecting individual local histories; to stimulate community-museum partnerships in the development of online local history exhibits; to strengthen the capacity of smaller museums to create digital content for use on the World Wide Web and in local programming.
Program eligibility:
Public, not-for-profit museums that have demonstrated their commitment to work collaboratively with colleagues across the country by becoming basic or contributing members of the Canadian Heritage Information Network and the Virtual Museum of Canada. Institutions with no more than two full-time paid staff. (Institutions that are entirely volunteer-run or whose communities are not defined geographically are included in this criterion). Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) Canadian Heritage Community Memories Program Tel.: (819) 994-1200 Toll-free: 1 800 520-2446 E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.chin.gc.ca/English/Members/VMC_Memories/guidelines.html
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Celebrate Canada! program
Program description:
Canadian Heritage's Celebrate Canada! program enhances pride in Canada by encouraging the participation of its citizens in Celebrate Canada! activities. Celebrate Canada activities are between June 21 and July 1. These dates include National Aboriginal Day on June 21, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day on June 24, Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27, and Canada Day on July 1.
Program eligibility:
Non-governmental organizations, ad-hoc committees Community associations and charitable organizations, public and private corporations (except Crown corporations), municipal governments, public and private schools School boards, and other educational institutions such as colleges and universities. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/canada
Organization: Community Arts Councils
Program description:
Local Community Arts Councils often act as local facilitators to granting programs. These agencies can also act as information sources for further information on arts and culture granting programs.
More information:
To locate an Arts Council in your community consult the Assembly of BC Arts Council’s website at: www.assemblybcartscouncils.ca
Organization: Community Foundations
Program description:
Community foundations make grants to support a wide range of local initiatives - from health, education and social services to arts, culture, recreation and the environment. Community foundations are only allowed to make grants to qualified donees including registered Canadian charities, registered Canadian amateur athletic associations and Canadian municipalities.
More information:
To check for a local community foundation please visit: www.community-fdn.ca