Organization: Bravo!FACT
Program description:
Bravo!FACT (Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent) has distributed millions of dollars in grants for the production of hundreds of shorts across Canada. Short films and videos produced with Bravo!FACT grants have been honoured with awards and screenings at festivals around the world including the Cannes Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, Sundance, the Canadian Film Centre's World Wide International Short Film Festival, and other prestigious festivals in NYC, Prague, and Italy. The shorts cover a range of subject matter and styles. Sand animation to opera; modern dance to short dramas - the variety is endless as is, seemingly, the creative talent in Canada. Emerging and recognized filmmakers are encouraged to apply for grants. Bravo!FACT's objectives are to: stimulate public interest in Canadian excellence in the arts; encourage the creation of new ways of presenting the arts on television; increase public recognition of Canadian artists and their works; provide professional opportunities for film and video-makers. The subjects of Bravo!FACT videos may include: dance (classical, modern, ethnic); music (classical, contemporary, world beat, blues, jazz); spoken word (poetry, prose, theatre); opera; animation; visual arts (architecture, painting, sculpture, decorative objects); and, drama.
Program eligibility:
Funding is reserved for new projects. Awards are not granted to works in progress. The copyright is retained by the awardee, while Bravo! and its affiliated and related services receive non-exclusive broadcast and non-broadcast rights. Projects with running times of up to 6 minutes are considered; projects of up to a maximum of 4 minutes are preferred. Funding is awarded on the basis of merit. The criteria include originality in the translation of the art form for television, and feasibility of production.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.bravofact.com/about/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Assistance to Professional Canadian Contemporary Art Dealers (Pilot Program)
Program description:
In the context of its mandate to foster the production and enjoyment of the arts in Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts provides financial support to professional Canadian contemporary art dealers to offset costs for the national and international promotion of professional Canadian contemporary visual artists, including photographers and fine craft artists.
Program eligibility:
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria: be registered as businesses in Canada; be majority-owned and operated by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada; have been in operation for at least three years and have established a national and/or international reputation; maintain a permanent exhibition venue which is open to the general public on a regular and ongoing basis; have a record of fulfilling all contractual obligations to artists. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/visualarts/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Canada Council for the Arts / Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council New Media Initiative
Program description:
The Canada Council for the Arts (CCA) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) New Media Initiative is intended to promote collaboration linking artists, scientists and/or engineers to combine creativity with the development and application of new technologies and knowledge.
Program eligibility:
Canada Council applicants must meet the criteria for mid-career or established artists as detailed in the Grants to New Media and Audio Artists program guidelines. Canada Council applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. They need not be living in Canada when they apply. Science/engineering applicants must meet NSERC’s eligibility requirements as outlined in the Program Guide for Professors available on NSERC’s web site at www.nserc.gc.ca.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/mediaarts/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Support to Theatre Service Organizations (Project Funding)
Program description:
This program assists non-profit, Canadian service organizations whose primary focus is to develop the vitality of the professional theatre community. The activities of these service organizations, groups or associations provide assistance to their members which are directly involved in the creation, production and presentation of professional theatre.
Program eligibility:
Canadian non-profit groups, associations or organizations can apply for these grants. All Canada Council for the Arts programs are accessible to Aboriginal arts organizations and arts organizations of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Support to Theatre Service Organizations (Annual Funding)
Program description:
This program assists non-profit, Canadian service organizations whose primary focus is to develop the vitality of the professional theatre community. The activities of these service organizations, groups or associations provide assistance to their members which are directly involved in the creation, production and presentation of professional theatre.
Program eligibility:
Canadian non-profit groups, associations or organizations can apply for these grants. All Canada Council for the Arts programs are accessible to Aboriginal arts organizations and arts organizations of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada. Eligibility criteria specific to each component are described in detail on Canada Council's website.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Jean A. Chalmers Award
Program description:
The objective of the program is to strengthen the discourse and knowledge of contemporary fine crafts in Canada. The Chalmers Fund enables the Visual Arts Section to assist non-profit, Canadian visual arts organizations to undertake projects that contribute to the advancement and understanding of the fine crafts in Canada. Individual fine crafts professionals are also eligible to apply, but only to the Research and Policy Development Assistance component of the program.
Program eligibility:
Incorporated, non-profit Canadian visual arts and fine craft organizations, art museums, public art galleries, exhibition centres, artist-run centres, university art departments, art colleges, fine crafts colleges, service organizations and professional associations with a commitment to the professional fine crafts communities in Canada may apply for assistance to any of the three components of the program, but only one component in each competition. Individual fine crafts professionals (for example, artists, curators, critics and writers) may apply to the Research and Policy Development Assistance component only. They must be professional artists or arts professionals, and Canadian citizens or permanent residents, as defined by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/visualarts/
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Movable Cultural Property Program
Program description:
To assist designated, heritage institutions in Canada – through the Movable Cultural Property Grants Program – with the acquisition of nationally significant, cultural property that is threatened with export or located outside Canada. To provide special tax incentives – under the provisions of the Cultural Property Export and Import Act – to encourage Canadians to donate or sell important objects to designated heritage institutions in Canada.
Program eligibility:
Museums, galleries, libraries, archives, as well as public authorities designated by the Minister of Canadian Heritage under the Cultural Property Export and Import Act. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.pch.gc.ca/pgm/bcm-mcp/index-eng.cfm
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Canada Music Fund (Canadian Music Memories Program administered by the National Library of Canada and the Audio/Visual Preservation Trust.ca)
Program description:
Canadian Heritage's Canada Music Fund (Canadian Music Memories Program administered by the National Library of Canada and the Audio/Visual Preservation Trust.ca). The goal of the fund is to seek to strengthen the Canadian sound recording industry from creator to audience. The Fund has three overarching public policy goals: to ensure that Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs have the skills, know-how, and tools to succeed in a global and digital environment; to enhance Canadians' access to a diverse range of Canadian music choices through existing and emerging media; to increase the opportunities available for Canadian music artists and cultural entrepreneurs to make a significant and lasting contribution to Canadian cultural expression.
Program eligibility:
Eligible applicants are Canadian not-for-profit music sector organizations and associations representing Canadian creators.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at:
Organization: Enterprising Non-Profits
Program: enp Grant Program (BC)
Program description:
The enp funding program provides matching grants to non-profit organizations in BC that are interested in starting or expanding a business. The program was established in 1997 in response to requests by organizations for support in the development of revenue-generating enterprises, to enhance their programs or services, and/or as a way to stabilize and diversify their funding base. enp program funding enables organizations to conduct planning activities related to the development or growth of a business venture.
Program eligibility:
To be eligible for enp funding, an organization must: be a Provincially or Federally incorporated non-profit organization, be a qualified donee under CRA regulations: registered charity, native band, municipality, or have a charitable sponsor, have its base, activities, and benefits in British Columbia. The organization must have an office in BC and the program and its benefits must be in BC. The organization must: attend an orientation session, have the organizational capacity (budget & staff) to meet the grant objectives, and commit matching funds in cash or in-kind.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.enterprisingnonprofits.ca/primary-links/enp-granting-programs
Organization: Human Resources and Skils Development Canada
Program: New Horizons for Seniors - Community Participation and Leadership Funding
Program description:
Community Participation and Leadership Funding provides one-time, start-up grant funding for community-based projects that enable seniors to play an important role in their communities. It encourages seniors to contribute their skills, experience, and wisdom in support of social well-being in their communities, and helps to reduce their risk of social isolation. Organizations are invited to apply for funding through a Call for Proposals. There are specific funding priorities for each province and territory.
Program eligibility:
The following types of organizations can apply: non-profit organizations, community-based coalitions, networks, or ad hoc committees; municipal governments; and Band/tribal councils or other Aboriginal organizations. Individuals and for-profit organizations are NOT eligible. Funded projects will be inspired, led and carried out primarily by seniors. Seniors need to lead the project’s development and implementation, not just benefit from the project’s success. Applicants are encouraged to work with other partners in their communities to identify local needs and to design projects that respond to these needs. Projects must involve seniors in planning and running the activities; be non-profit; involve new activities not already being carried out by your organization; not duplicate other activities that already exist in your community, such as those offered by other organizations or levels of government; and occur within a 12-month (52 weeks) period.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.hrsdc.gc.ca/
Organization: Province of BC - BC Anti-Racism and Multiculturalism Unit
Program: Embrace BC
Program description:
A government-led initiative, EmbraceBC provides funding opportunities for community-based anti-racism and multiculturalism projects. Through six distinct program elements, EmbraceBC seeks to inspire community members, residents and sector leaders to welcome, accept and embrace difference, on both personal and institutional levels. EmbraceBC provides funding through six program elements: arts engagement, community engagement and dialogue, inclusive leadership development and mentorship, interfaith bridging, organizing against racism and hate and public education.
Program eligibility:
To be considered for funding through EmbraceBC, applicants must be in good standing with the Corporate Registry of British Columbia, the Canadian Revenue Agency and the Better Business Bureau of Mainland BC or Vancouver Island. Examples of organizations that may be eligible include:
non-profit organizations, Aboriginal organizations, businesses, schools, faith organizations, municipalities, and rural and urban communities.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.embracebc.ca/program/