Organization: BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts
Program: Heritage Planning Programs (Strategic Planning Program)
Program description:
Heritage Planning Programs (Strategic Planning Program) supports the preparation of a five to ten year strategy within which to plan, develop, implement and evaluate a community heritage program. The plan, based on a proactive participatory process, must be practical, easily understood and publicly acceptable. It presents the community consensus reached about heritage conservation priorities.
Program eligibility:
Local governments, First Nations bands, post-secondary institutions. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.tca.gov.bc.ca/heritage/local_government/planning_fund.htm
Organization: BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts
Program: Heritage Planning Programs (Implementation Planning Program)
Program description:
Heritage Planning Programs (Implementation Planning Program) supports the preparation of detailed plans to achieve priorities identified in a strategic plan. An implementation plan provides detailed guidance on how selected elements of the heritage strategy will be achieved.
Program eligibility:
Local governments, First Nations bands, post-secondary institutions. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.tca.gov.bc.ca/heritage/local_government/planning_fund.htm
Organization: BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts
Program: Heritage Planning Programs (Conservation and Feasibility Planning Program)
Program description:
Heritage Planning Programs (Conservation and Feasibility Planning Program) supports the preparation of conservation or feasibility plans for historic places included on an official community heritage register. Such plans must reflect use of the draft Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
Program eligibility:
Local governments, First Nations bands, registered non-profit societies, school districts, post-secondary institutions, provincial crown corporations and regional health authorities. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.tsa.gov.bc.ca/heritage/local_government/planning_fund.htm
Organization: BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts
Program: Heritage Planning Programs (Community Heritage Registers Program)
Program description:
Heritage Planning Programs (Community Heritage Registers Program) supports the development of community heritage registers by local governments, consistent with the documentation standards of the BC Register of Historic Places (BCRHP). Community heritage register records will be included in the BC Register of Historic Places and will be eligible for subsequent nomination to the Canadian Register of Historic Places (CRHP).
Program eligibility:
Local governments. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.tca.gov.bc.ca/heritage/local_government/planning_fund.htm
Organization: BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts
Program: Heritage Planning Programs (Community Heritage Context Planning)
Program description:
Community Heritage Context Planning supports projects that contribute to community heritage context planning, which identifies and explains the major factors and processes that influenced a community's evolution. This enables a community to articulate its heritage values and identify its heritage resources based on these values.
Program eligibility:
Local governments, First Nations bands and post-secondary institutions.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.tsa.gov.bc.ca/heritage/local_government/planning_fund.htm
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: The Flying Squad: An Organizational Development Program in Theatre
Program description:
The specific objectives of this program are to: assist professional theatre organizations in targeted organizational development; assist individuals working in theatre company management in developing skills, networks and support systems within the theatre community; assist groupings and associations of non-profit theatre organizations that propose innovative organizational development activities.
Program eligibility:
Eligible applicants must: be Canadian non-profit organizations; be directed by recognized theatre professionals; have received an operating or production project grant from the Canada Council Theatre Section during the past three years. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: The Flying Squad: An Organizational Development Program in Dance
Program description:
The specific objectives of this program are to: assist professional dance organizations in targeted organizational development; assist individuals working in dance company management in developing skills, networks and support systems within the dance community; assist groupings and associations of non-profit dance organizations that propose innovative organizational development activities.
Program eligibility:
Eligible applicants must: be Canadian non-profit organizations; be directed by recognized dance professionals; have received an operating or production project grant from the Canada Council Dance Section during the past three years. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/dance/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: The Flying Squad: Organizational Assistance Program in Visual Arts, Media Arts and Inter-Arts
Program description:
The specific objectives of this program are to: assist professional arts organizations in targeted organizational development; assist individuals working in the management of organizations to develop skills, networks and support systems within their communities and the community at large; and, assist associations and groups of non-profit organizations that propose innovative organizational development activities. The program has four components: Organizational Research and Planning; Mentorship: Collaborative Initiatives; and Professional Development.
Program eligibility:
Organizations may also apply to allow key core staff to attend professional skills development workshops and seminars related to their leadership role within the organization. Funding is not available, however, for training or workshops related to union-related business or regular annual conferences.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/grants/iu127676494620069427.htm
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: The Flying Squad: An Organizational Development Program in Music
Program description:
The specific objectives of this program are to: assist professional music organizations in targeted organizational development; assist individuals working in the management of music organizations to develop skills, networks and support systems within the music community and the community at large; and, assist associations and groups of non-profit music organizations that propose innovative organizational development activities.
Program eligibility:
To be eligible to apply to Components I and IV, organizations must meet all of the following criteria. They must: be Canadian non-profit organizations; be directed by recognized music professionals; and have received an operating or production project grant from the Canada Council Music Section during the past three years.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/music/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: The Flying Squad - Assistance Program for Book Publishers
Program description:
The program will enable book publishers to take advantage of consultancy services to advise or assist them with an aspect of internal organizational challenges, opportunities or new developmental directions. The consultants will recommend measures or a plan of action, and will leave the full responsibility for implementing the recommended changes with the book publisher. The program has two components: Organizational Research and Planning and Mentorship.
Program eligibility:
Application may be made for research, planning, professional development, or mentoring assistance in the area of book publishing, including: editorial planning and development, strategic planning, general management and business development, marketing strategies, book production management, financial management, board management, ownership transition planning. While the research and planning phases of the above-mentioned activities are eligible for support when done in collaboration with a specialist or a mentor, their implementation is considered to be part of the ongoing operations of organizations and is not eligible for assistance (for example, planning a new marketing strategy is eligible, but implementing it is not).
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/writing/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: The Flying Squad - Assistance Program for Literary and Art Magazines
Program description:
The program will enable magazines to take advantage of consultancy services to advise or assist them with an aspect of internal organizational challenges, opportunities or new developmental directions. The consultants will recommend measures or a plan of action, and will leave the full responsibility for implementing the recommended changes with the magazine. Magazines Canada and the Canada Council will not be accountable for the advice given by consultants. The specific objectives of this program are to: assist literary and art magazines in targeted organizational development, assist publishers, editors, managing editors and other magazine professionals to develop skills, networks and support systems, within the publishing community and the community at large, and assist groupings of magazines and magazine associations that propose innovative organizational development activities. The program has four components: Organizational Research and Planning, Mentorship, Collaborative Initiatives, and Professional Development.
Program eligibility:
Application may be made for research, planning, professional development, mentoring or collaborative initiatives assistance in the area of magazine publishing, including: editorial direction and vision, strategic planning, general management and business development marketing and readership development, advertising development, circulation development, design development, production management, financial management and fundraising, and board or editorial collective development and management. While the research and planning phases of the above-mentioned activities are eligible for support when done in collaboration with a specialist or a mentor, their implementation is considered to be part of the ongoing operations of organizations and is not eligible for assistance (for example, planning a new marketing strategy is eligible, but implementing it is not).
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/writing/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Organizational Development in Media Arts: Grants for New Initiatives, New Models and Emerging Organizations
Program description:
This program is intended to assist Canadian organizations and collectives that are developing or providing activities that support the practice of media arts, with particular emphasis on the quality of activities, with a view to: support the research, creation, development, production, dissemination and/or distribution of independent media artworks by Canadian artists; support the artistic and professional development of Canadian media artists; and develop other services, facilities or activities that advance Canadian independent media arts.
Program eligibility:
In order to apply, applicants must: be incorporated, non-profit Canadian arts organizations, or be collectives with three or more members. All members must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, and they must be practising artists and/or arts professionals. Collectives need not be incorporated or have a permanent site. Note that applications must be submitted in the name of an entity (such as the collective or project) that is able to receive a grant payable to it.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/mediaarts/
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Canada Music Fund (Music Entrepreneur Program administered by Telefilm Canada)
Program description:
The Music Entrepreneur Component provides support for established Canadian music entrepreneurs to build a strong, sustainable industry. It enables established entrepreneurs to offer a wide range of choices that enrich the Canadian musical experience in the long term, to become increasingly competitive nationally and internationally and to play a leading role in the global digital economy.
Program eligibility:
Eligible applicants are Canadian-owned and controlled firms with a proven track record in the development and marketing of Canadian musical talent and whose principal business is the production and marketing of Canadian content sound recordings.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at:
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Canada Music Fund (Support to Sector Associations Program)
Program description:
Canadian Heritage's Canada Music Fund (Support to Sector Associations Program) seeks to strengthen the Canadian sound recording industry from creator to audience." The Fund has three overarching public policy goals. To ensure that Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs have the skills, know-how and tools to succeed in a global and digital environment. To enhance Canadians' access to a diverse range of Canadian music choices through existing and emerging media. To increase the opportunities available for Canadian music artists and cultural entrepreneurs to make a significant and lasting contribution to Canadian cultural expression.
Program eligibility:
Eligible recipients are Canadian not-for-profit sound recording sector associations.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at:
Organization: Centre for Sustainability
Program: Arts Partners in Organizational Development
Program description:
To assist arts and heritage organizations in BC to achieve long-term organizational sustainability by: strengthening governance and management practices; assessing organizational strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities; increasing planning capacity and building planning into ongoing operations; developing strategies to address identified needs.
Program eligibility:
Funding is available to arts and heritage organizations incorporated as non-profit societies in the province of British Columbia. Organizations must have been in existence for at least two years. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.centreforsustainability.ca/programs/index.html