Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Partnerships Fund (Digitization Projects)
Program description:
To encourage the creation of partnership initiatives between not-for-profit organizations and partners, from the private and public sectors, across Canada in the digitization of cultural collections for presentation online in a manner that specifically targets youth.
Program eligibility:
Funding under the Partnerships Fund is available to Canadian, registered or incorporated, not-for-profit institutions that are active in the cultural heritage sector; public educational institutions; Aboriginal, municipal, or regional governments; agencies of a provincial or territorial government. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/pgm/pcce-ccop/pgm/prt-eng.cfm
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Canadian Heritage's Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit
Program description:
Canadian Heritage's Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit encourages a more stable financing environment and long-term corporate development for Canadian film and video production companies. The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC) is jointly administered by the Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO) and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Program eligibility:
Canadian film and television production companies across Canada are eligible.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility:
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Canada New Media Fund
Program description:
The Department of Canadian Heritage has allocated $14.3 million dollars per year to the Canada New Media Fund for 2009-2010. Administered by Telefilm Canada, the Fund is a national program which supports the creation and the distribution of interactive digital cultural content products. The Fund will strive to achieve its objectives through its two main Program components: Product Assistance and Sectoral Assistance components, which are both application driven. The third program component of the Fund, the Sectoral Development, will allow Telefilm Canada to tailor its support for Canadian interactive digital companies at national and international markets.
Program eligibility:
Canadian organizations including private sector small and medium-sized enterprises active in the cultural new media sector, non-governmental research institutes, public educational institutions with a research mandate, and not-for profit arts and cultural organizations. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at:
Organization: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre at the University of British Columbia
Program: The British Columbia History Digitization Program
Program description:
The focus of the program is to promote increased access to British Columbia's historical resources, including providing matching funds to undertake digitization projects that will result in free online access to our unique provincial historical material.
Program eligibility:
Private or public institutions and agencies that have the preservation of historical British Columbia materials as part of their mandate are eligible for funding. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, libraries, archives, museums and post-secondary institutions.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.ikebarberlearningcentre.ubc.ca/ps/BCDigitInfo.html
Organization: TechSoup Canada
Program: Product Donations Program
Program description:
The TechSoup Canada Technology Donation Program is an online product donation service that connects nonprofits with technology product donations from more than twenty-five leading corporate and nonprofit technology partners.
Program eligibility:
Eligible organizations will meet the following criteria: Canadian charities must be registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA); Canadian nonprofits must be registered with their provinces or territories; Canadian public libraries must appear on a list collected by the Public Library Services Branch, Ministry of Education in British Columbia. Organizations need to submit proper documentation (business registration documentation for nonprofits; written proof of charitable status from Canadian Revenue Agency) to verify their nonprofit or charitable status.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.techsoupcanada.ca/eligibility
Organization: Vancouver Foundation
Program description:
Vancouver Foundation supports a wide range of projects that are of benefit to British Columbians. Funded activities often provide a direct service to the community, or take an innovative approach to a community concern. Vancouver Foundation is responsive to changing community issues and priorities. Each of the above-mentioned Advisory Committees has developed goals reflecting its specific funding interests. The Foundation will consider requests for: program related projects (i.e. specific, time-limited activity or series of activities designed to meet certain goals); capital projects (i.e. construction, renovation or equipment purchases).
Program eligibility:
Eligible applicants include registered charities and qualified donees under the Income Tax Act. They must demonstrate fiscal responsibility and effective management. Grants are not made to individuals or to businesses. Under exceptional circumstances, the Foundation may consider organizations that are not yet registered charities. Program Directors are available to discuss such exceptions. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.vancouverfoundation.bc.ca