Organization: BC Arts Council
Program: Touring Initiatives
Program description:
Awards are available to assist British Columbia artists and arts organizations to develop markets outside of the province or to represent British Columbia or Canada at significant international exhibitions or events. Organizations or individual artists requiring assistance are required to advise the British Columbia Arts Council as soon as a tour is contemplated.
Program eligibility:
To be eligible an applicant must either be a professional arts organization registered as a non-profit society in the Province of British Columbia, or a recognized professional artist. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.bcartscouncil.ca
Organization: BC Touring Council
Program: The Community Presenters Assistance Program
Program description:
The objective of the program is to assist BC non-profit organizations outside metropolitan Vancouver and Victoria who present touring Canadian professional performing arts events.
Program eligibility:
Under normal circumstances, all applicants to the Community Presenters Assistance Program must meet the following criteria: the applicant must be a community-based arts organization (i.e. development of the arts must be the primary objective described in its incorporation documents); the applicant must have been a registered non-profit society in British Columbia for a minimum of one year and must be able to provide an audit or independently prepared financial statement (review engagement) for the most recently concluded fiscal year. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.bctouring.org/presenter-assistance/index.html
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Theatre Touring and Special Initiatives Program (Special Initiatives)
Program description:
This component provides one-time-only assistance to Canadian professional theatre artists, companies, presenters, agents, etc., for skill and/or market development initiatives that serve the theatre touring or presenting milieu at large.
Program eligibility:
Canadian theatre professionals and organizations (artists, companies, presenters, agents, etc.) are eligible to apply for support for new initiatives. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Dance Touring Grants (National or International)
Program description:
Dance Touring Grants assist with specific costs incurred when a Canadian artist or company tours in Canada; or a foreign artist or company tours in Canada at the invitation of a Canadian dance presenter, promoter or consortium.
Program eligibility:
Professional Canadian dance artists, groups, collectives, companies, presenters, promoters or dance presentation consortia may apply. An individual dance artist applying to the program must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. International dance groups, collectives, companies or individual artists are eligible for touring assistance in Canada. However, international artists must have a Canadian agent or presenter apply on their behalf. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/dance/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Integrated Arts Program Touring Grants
Program description:
The Touring Grants (Integrated Arts Program for Organizations) objectives are to: increase knowledge, promote and support diversity, plurality and (or) hybridity of practice as demonstrated in the body of work of an individual artist or within an organization’s programming; support both contemporary and traditional work, and (or) the integration of contemporary and traditional work; support artistic excellence in works, processes, professional development and research methodology, while taking into account the local, regional and (or) cultural context; and, support relationships and collaboration among artists of different disciplinary and cultural backgrounds.
Program eligibility:
The Canada Council defines integrated arts as professional artistic activities with a singular artistic vision that combine art forms, or integrate existing art forms into its own distinct form. To be eligible for funding from the Integrated Arts Program, the proposed integrated arts activities must fall outside the framework of existing funding programs offered by the Canada Council’s Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, or Writing and Publishing sections. The proposed activities must also fall outside the framework of programs offered by the following Canada Council offices: Aboriginal Arts, Audience and Market Development, or Equity.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/interarts/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Theatre Touring and Special Initiatives Program (Touring in Canada Grants)
Program description:
This component is for Canadian professional theatre artists (individuals) and companies (collectives or groups) touring in Canada. The grants provide a contribution towards direct touring costs, such as travel, accommodation, per diem and transportation costs. Other costs, such as pre-production, administration and marketing costs, can be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Program eligibility:
Non-profit professional Canadian theatre groups, collectives, companies or individual artists who have developed a tour are eligible. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Music Touring Grants
Program description:
The Music Touring Grants program provides assistance to projects that reinforce Canada’s music touring infrastructure, and that contribute to the development of increasingly appreciative and knowledgeable audiences for music in Canada.
Program eligibility:
Music Touring Grants are for Canadian and foreign professional music artists (individuals, ensembles, bands, collectives, groups or companies) who wish to tour in Canada. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/music/
Organization: Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR), The
Program: Tour Support
Program description:
The Tour Support Program's objective is to support domestic and foreign touring activities by Canadian artists and to contribute to the development of the Canadian music industry both domestically and internationally.
Program eligibility:
Performers must be a Canadian citizens or Landed Immigrants. Applicants must be Canadian artists, Canadian-owned or controlled record companies, management companies or music; publishers. The tour must take place predominately within FACTOR's fiscal year (April 1 - March 31). Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.factor.ca
Organization: Music BC (Pacific Music Industry Association)
Program: Music Industry Travel Assistance Program (MITAP)
Program description:
Music BC also provides and facilitates funding opportunities that are open to the general public of British Columbia. MITAP is a travel funding program administered on behalf of the Province of BC, by Music BC that provides separate travel funding opportunities for artists and music industry business purposes.
Program eligibility:
The grant provides assistance to recording artists to participate in performance, and showcasing initiatives that are undertaken in support of recordings. MITAP is specifically for bands/artists who are seeking travel assistance money for tours or showcases. Domestic: anywhere in Canada. International: anywhere outside of Canada.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.musicbc.org/?page_id=206