Organization: BC Arts Council
Program: Project Assistance Training Resources
Program description:
Awards are available on a project basis to assist recognized arts and cultural training organizations with the costs of presenting specialized training for artists and cultural workers of professional or pre-professional standing. Provision of Training Resources Project Assistance is based on the following broad principles: (a) Professional Development: the necessity of professional development for British Columbia's artists; (b) Access: the support of wider access to professional training standards for qualified practitioners; and, (c) Merit: as in all of its programs, the British Columbia Arts Council allocates resources in support of excellence in the arts. Projects should respond to a clearly identified need for training in a specialized area, which will advance the skills of professional artists and/or cultural workers or those preparing to enter professional practice.
Program eligibility:
Eligible applicants must be registered as a non-profit society in the Province of British Columbia, with a mandate to provide professional level training for developing artists and cultural workers and completed at least one full year of operation. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.bcartscouncil.ca/programs/
Organization: BC Arts Council
Program: Professional Development Assistance
Program description:
This program subsidizes tuition and course-related costs to assist practicing professional artists or arts administrators in pursuing advanced studies in their preferred discipline. Assistance is provided for short-term, concentrated periods of study at an advanced level at a recognized educational institution or with a recognized professional instructor.
Program eligibility:
Assistance is available to professionals working in the following disciplines: Arts Administration, Creative Writing, Dance (Performance, Choreography), Media Arts (Filmmakers, Integrated Media and Video Artists), Multi-disciplinary Studies, Museology and Conservation Studies, Music (Performance, Composition), Publishing Studies, Theatre (Acting, Directing, Technical and Design), Visual Arts (Creation, Curation). Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.bcartscouncil.ca/programs/
Organization: Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR), The
Program: Songwriter's Workshop and Seminar Support
Program description:
The Songwriters Educational Workshop and Seminar Support Program offers financial assistance for professional songwriters attending workshops and seminars.
Program eligibility:
To be eligible to attend a songwriters educational workshop/seminar the applicant: must be a Canadian citizen or Landed Immigrant; must be the songwriter; must be registered to attend an organized event; must be a member of a performing rights organization (e.g.: SOCAN). Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.factor.ca/
Organization: Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR), The
Program: Collective Initiatives Support
Program description:
The Collective Initiatives Program offers aid for music industry related educational sessions or seminars and national initiatives that promote various sectors of the Canadian music industry. Funding is available for the following: a) aid for educational and professional information sessions or seminars; and, b) Aid for national initiatives that promote various sectors of the Canadian music industry simultaneously.
Program eligibility:
To be eligible for financial assistance for music industry related educational and professional information sessions or seminars, and national initiatives that promote various sectors of the Canadian music industry simultaneously the applicant must: have been in business and been registered or incorporated for the two years prior to the date of receipt of the application; not be genre specific unless the Canadian non-profit music industry association has a national scope; for Canadian non-profit music industry associations, the association must have a strong membership base. The event must have been operating two years prior to date of receipt of application. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.factor.ca
Organization: SOCAN Foundation, The
Program: Education Grants
Program description:
Grants are provided to individuals and organizations for education initiatives concerning the creation and protection of musical works. Workshops, master classes and projects in the schools are examples. Private studies are not included.
Program eligibility:
Preference will be given to events or projects beneficial to several SOCAN members, to organizations or institutions rather than to an individual. Requests from private individuals who otherwise qualify will also be considered. Projects may be local, regional, national or international in scope. Where applicable, programming of works by SOCAN members must account for at least 50% of the total duration of works performed and the applicant's SOCAN licence fees must be current. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
For information about their programs, contact the Socan Foundation:
Telephone (416) 445-8700; Toll free 1 800 557-6226; Fax (416) 442-3372;
E-mail: macmillanr(at)socan.ca;
Website: www.socanfoundation.ca