January 11, 2021 - The Province announced that it would be implementing a number of changes to the allocation of community gaming grants. In July 2011, Premier Christy Clark asked Skip Triplett to conduct an independent review of the Province’s Community Gaming Grant system. In response to Mr. Triplett's report on the review, which provides 16 options for consideration, the Province will reinstate funding eligibility for adult arts and sports organizations, environmental groups and animal welfare agencies.
More than 1,700 people participated in the Community Gaming Grant review, sharing their views about how to improve the governance and funding formula of gaming grants through 14 community forums, written submissions, and five video-conferences to remote communities.
Triplett provided a final report to government on Oct. 31, 2011.
The Province will implement a number of changes to the allocation of community gaming grants, including:
- Increasing gaming grant funding by $15 million in the government’s base budget, beginning this fiscal year and going forward.
- Reinstating funding eligibility for environmental, animal welfare and adult arts and sports groups, with an immediate application intake to ensure those groups are funded this fiscal year.
- Increasing funding to groups that have experienced grant reductions during the past three years.
- Exploring options for implementing a multi-year funding program that will offer groups more certainty and streamline the application process.
For more information, please refer to the Province of BC's Jan. 11, 2012 news release and backgrounder.