Hosting an event during the 2015 North Shore Culture Days weekend is a wonderful way to engage with community by offering ‘hands-on’ activities, lectures, demo's, or ‘behind-the-scenes’ experiences. Use the opportunity to promote your regular activities, nurture existing audiences, and develop new supporters.
Here's what you need to do to get involved.
- Your activity is FREE to the public and participatory.
- The activity takes place September 25, 26, 27, 2015.
- The activity is registered at www.culturedays.ca.
- You secure a venue, plan and assume all costs to deliver the activity.
- You promote your activity through your own regular channels.
- For everything you need to know about presenting an activity, visit:culturedays.ca/en/present-an-activity.
FREE promotional opportunity for North Vancouver Culture Days activity organizers is coordinated by NVRC Cultural Services. Once your activity is registered on the Culture Days website, you will be included in the North Shore Culture Days brochure, promotional campaign, and the special 4-page Culture Days insert in the September 23/15 issue of the North Shore News.
Promotional opportunity deadline: Friday August 28, 2015, 12noon
To be included in the FREE promotional program, your Culture Days event must be registered at www.culturedays.ca by the deadline date and time.