The Arts Office is a bi-municipal agency of the City and District of North Vancouver that supports and promotes arts and cultural activities and provides cultural development services to the North Shore community at large.
- Arts Office eNews is a monthly newsletter with stories and information about arts and cultural activities happening on Vancouver's North Shore. Public Art eNews provides information and Calls for Artists relating to public art projects within the City and District of North Vancouver. The eNews reaches over 600 subscribers each month. Do you have a north shore related story to tell?
- The North Shore News as our local media partner, North Shore Culture Days participants will be included in a special North Shore Culture Days Map & Guide insert in the September issues of the North Shore News as well as being included in a North Shore Culture Days promotional campaign. Inclusion in the North Shore Culture Days Guide and other promotions is FREE to North Shore participants who have registered their events on the Culture Days site.
- ON! is your one-stop source for North Shore arts and culture listings. Local artists, arts. culture and heritage organizations are invited to upload their event information and promotional images to the ON! calendar. It's absolutely FREE and easy to use!
- The Arts Office promotional card contains on! event calendar info, as well as information on Arts Office programs and services. Look for this colourful card at libraries, community centres and creative spaces in your north shore neighborhood.
- MAXguide is Metro Vancouver’s online arts and culture guide that offers a free listing service for arts organizations and artists. The MAXguide is an opportunity to connect to broader audiences, compelling them to come and experience arts and culture on Vancouver's North Shore.