[closed] Request For Expressions of Interest & Qualifications - 725 Marine Drive, City of North Vancouver
November 9, 2020 - Anthem Properties Ltd. in partnership with the City of North Vancouver Public Art Program is seeking an artist or team of artists to create a permanent artwork associated with the development of a new mixed-use (residential/commercial) complex located in North Vancouver. The artwork will be installed in a prominent location in the eastern public plaza of the proposed development.
This 5-storey, mixed-used development is defined by one level of retail at grade and four levels of residential above. The property is owned by local developer, Anthem Properties Ltd. and is located at 725 Marine Drive in North Vancouver. The site is highly visible from the major intersection of Bewicke Avenue and Marine Drive. Construction on this site is scheduled to commence in early 2016 and complete in 2017.
This Artist Call will be a two-stage artist or artist team selection process. Stage One is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Up to five short-listed artists will proceed to Stage Two – Concept Development Phase and will receive $1,500 to develop a concept proposal for presentation to the Artist Selection Panel.
This Call does not require the preparation of a proposal. Anthem is not asking for concepts at this stage and those proponents who enter concepts or discuss them in their Letter of Interest will have their entries returned and will not receive further consideration.
Project: 725 Marine Drive, Anthem Properties Ltd. & City of North Vancouver
Budget: $100,000 CAD (plus GST)
Eligibility: Canadian residents from Alberta and British Columbia, and American residents from Washington State.
Submission Deadline: Monday, December 7th, 2015 @ 4:00pm
Download Full Request for Expressions of Interest: (Download PDF)
Contact information and submission address:
Kari Huhtala, Public Art Consultant