November 2010 - The 32nd report in the Statistical Insights on the Arts series from Hill Strategies Research, shows that Canadian consumers spent over $27 billion on cultural goods and services in 2008.
Some key findings of the report include:
- The $27.4 billion in consumer spending on culture in Canada represents $841 for every Canadian resident.
- Consumer spending on culture is three times larger than the $9.2 billion spent on culture by all levels of government in 2007/08.
- Consumer spending on culture is three times larger than consumer spending on hotels, motels and other travel accommodations ($9.2 billion).
- Canadians’ spending on live performing arts ($1.4 billion) is more than double their spending on live sports events ($650 million).
- After adjusting for inflation, cultural spending increased by 28% between 1997 and 2008, double the growth in the Canadian population.
- * The 28% increase in cultural spending is lower than the 37% increase in spending on all goods and services between 1997 and 2008.
- Between 1997 and 2008, consumer spending on art works and events grew by 59%, more than any other category of cultural spending.
- Cultural spending per capita varies significantly between the provinces and is highest in Alberta ($963) and Saskatchewan ($905). The five western-most provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario) have per capita levels of cultural spending that are above the Canadian average ($841).
- Among the provinces, Alberta had the highest growth in consumer spending between 1997 and 2008, both on cultural goods and services (40%) and on all goods and services (69%), after adjusting for inflation.
- Among 12 metropolitan areas, Calgary and Saskatoon have the highest per capita consumer spending on cultural goods and services.
Read the full report here.