event calendar. North Shore artists, arts, culture and heritage groups are invited to submit event information for FREE.
Community events calendar. A weekly compilation of local activities, concerts and special events happening on the North Shore.
artsNews. Does your organizaton have a story to share? Let us know and we'll do our best to include it in a future issue. artsNews has over 1000 subscribers, and continues to grow!
Artists Among Us - Each month in our artsNews we profile a North Shore community member that has a talent or artistic passion that they pursue outside of their day job. The stories are intended to provide inspiration and encouragement, and to make us aware of the creativity that surrounds us every day.
Creative Calls. Calls for Artists, Professional Development workshops. Artists, cultural groups and creative sector organizations are invited to submit arts and culture related opportunities.
TWITTER. If you FOLLOW us, we'll FOLLOW you...and generously retweet!
FACEBOOK. Do you LIKE us? Please make sure you do and we'll share the love!
For more information about NVRC promotional opportunities, contact Barb McLean at