Organization: ArtStarts in Schools
Program: Schools in Community
Program description:
The Schools in Community grant funds school-based organizations to present performances in community venues. The matching grant is available to schools, school districts, and school-based parent groups, and covers such expenses as artist’s fees, venue rental, and transportation to and from the venue. SIC encourages schools, school districts, and PACs to collaborate with local cultural venues and theatres to present arts events specifically for students
Program eligibility:
An eligible applicant must be a: teacher, principal or administrator of a public or independent school or schools; school district representative; parent volunteer, or a parent association acting on behalf of a school, group of schools or a school district; representative of a partnership involving community organizations, schools, and school districts or PACS. All applicants must be from within BC or the Yukon Territories. Partnerships with non-profit community organizations and local venues are encouraged. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.artstarts.com
Organization: ArtStarts in Schools
Program: Artists In Education - districts or residences
Program description:
The Artist in Education (AIE) funding program provides matching grants to school districts for performances, workshops or artist residencies. This long-time partnership between ArtStarts in Schools, the BC Arts Council and the Vancouver Foundation has introduced thousands of children and youth across BC to professional performance, visual arts and cultural activities.
Program eligibility:
AIE applications are submitted yearly by appointed contacts in each school district and only one AIE application per school district is accepted. However, all interested parties may contact their respective AIE contact to suggest an artist, request funding or inquire how the funding is being spent. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.artstarts.com
Organization: ArtStarts in Schools
Program: Cherniavsky's "Mr. Music" Fund
Program description:
Cherniavsky's "Mr. Music" Fund is a ticket subsidy program for students to attend professional live performances of classical and traditional music opera and ballet in their communities. Sponsored by the Cherniavsky Junior Club for the Performing Arts Society and administered by ArtStarts in Schools the funding program was named after Jan Cherniavsky, a world renowned pianist.
Program eligibility:
School principals, teachers, PACs and district contacts can apply for funding. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.artstarts.com/funding/index.php?section=2&page_id=17
Organization: BC Arts Council
Program: Scholarship Awards
Program description:
The Scholarship Awards Program develops professional British Columbia artists, by assisting with the post-secondary education of outstanding British Columbia students of the arts.
Program eligibility:
Candidates should be no less than 15 years of age at the time of application. This may be waived if special circumstances are submitted, in writing, to the scholarship review committee. Candidates must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Each candidate must provide a Canadian Social Insurance number. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.bcartscouncil.ca
Organization: Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation, The
Program description:
The Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation encourages and supports the cultural community throughout British Columbia and has, over 48 years, given in excess of $8 million to the people and communities of British Columbia. Eligible disciplines include the visual and performing arts, heritage organizations, festivals, community arts councils and libraries, particularly in smaller centres. These grants provide assistance for both new and established groups who are undertaking innovative projects.
Program eligibility:
To be eligible, all of the following criteria must apply: your organization is registered in Ottawa as charitable or educational, and your registration number is in good standing; your project or program will occur in British Columbia; your project or program is innovative or creative; your project or program requires special assistance to be achieved; your project or program begins no earlier than ninety days after the application deadline.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.koernerfoundation.ca
Organization: Telus
Program: Community Investment
Program description:
Telus community investment program gives priority to longer-term, broad-based initiatives in education, health care and the arts - initiatives that involve the innovative use of technology. The community investment initiatives emphasize arts programs that feature an educational component - reflecting our emphasis on learning.
Program eligibility:
Funding requests must meet the following criteria: demonstrate general support in the community and be consistent with community needs; demonstrate leadership, innovation and collaboration; demonstrate a significant and unique contribution to community life; demonstrate clearly defined and measurable goals and objectives; be financially well-administered; provide services and activities without regard to race, religion, creed, sex or sexual orientation.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: about.telus.com/community/community_boards/en/community_funding/index.html