Organization: BC Arts Council
Program: Music Commissioning Awards
Program description:
This program is intended to support the creation and first performance of new works by British Columbia composers.
Program eligibility:
The following may apply for Music Commissioning Awards: music organizations (symphony orchestras, chamber orchestras, chamber music groups, opera companies, choirs, contemporary music groups, music training organizations which maintain full-time training ensembles, etc.) which are registered as non-profit societies in the province of British Columbia; musical artists or ensembles (unincorporated) who are based in the province of British Columbia; professional performing arts organizations (dance companies, theatre companies, etc.) who wish to commission functional music or sound design. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.bcartscouncil.ca
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Creation/Production in Dance
Program description:
The Creation/Production in Dance program provides multi-year and annual funding to professional, Canadian non-profit dance companies. The objective of the program is to support the creation, production and revival of significant dance works.
Program eligibility:
Applicants must be incorporated as a non-profit organization and have completed a minimum of five years of sustained activity, culminating in full-evening programs of the company’s work. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/dance/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Theatre Production Project Grants: Established Artists
Program description:
The objective of the Theatre Production Project Grant Program for established artists is to provide assistance to professional, non-profit theatre organizations and ad hoc groups of professional theatre artists for the development and/or production of theatre.
Program eligibility:
Theatre Production Project Grants for established artists provide assistance to ad hoc groups of Canadian, professional theatre artists and Canadian, professional, non-profit theatre organizations. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Theatre Production Project Grants: Emerging Artists
Program description:
The objective of the Theatre Production Project Grant Program for emerging artists is to provide assistance to professional non-profit theatre organizations, and ad hoc groups of professional theatre artists for the development and/or production of theatre.
Program eligibility:
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Theatre companies or groups of theatre artists are eligible if they demonstrate a commitment to professional artistic practice according to the Canada Council for the Arts' definition. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Artists and Community Collaboration Program in Theatre
Program description:
This program offers financial support to projects that connect professional artists with communities, in particular with youth. It is open to Canadian professional, non-profit theatre organizations and ad hoc groups of Canadian professional theatre artists.
Program eligibility:
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Organizations must be incorporated as non-profit theatre organizations and may be currently receiving operating assistance from the Theatre Section, provided the proposed project is not funded through operating assistance. Ad hoc groups must have been formed for the purpose of creating a unique work. The core members of the group must have been active as theatre professionals for at least two years. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Spoken Word and Storytelling Program (Creation and Production)
Program description:
The Creation and Production component supports literary projects that are not based on conventional book or printed magazine formats. Grants are for the creation, production, performance, broadcast or promotion of spoken word and storytelling.
Program eligibility:
Applicants can include: professional spoken word artists or storytellers who have been paid in the past for their public literary performances or are recognized, in writing, by two established spoken word artists or storytellers; professional writers who wish to transform their work to the spoken word or storytelling genre; collectives, producers, publishers, or spoken word and storytelling hosts that have proven experience in producing spoken word or storytelling art. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/writing/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Commissioning of Canadian Compositions
Program description:
This program assists in the professional development of Canadian composers and Canadian conductors through residencies, and encourages the creation of new works by Canadian composers through commissions. The Residencies and Commissioning of Canadian Compositions program addresses the needs of both the classical contemporary/new music and non-classical music traditions. It fosters partnerships and collaborations among professional arts organizations, performers and Canadian creators, while offering Canadian and foreign audiences greater access to Canadian works.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/music/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Production Project Grants in Dance
Program description:
The following activities are eligible for support: the production and presentation of dance works, including self-presentations, co-productions, dance for young audiences and dance that integrates new technologies; remounts and commissioning of works from professional choreographers; collaborative productions between dance professionals, collectives and/or companies.
Program eligibility:
This program provides production project support to Canadian dance professionals (individuals), collectives and non-profit companies, including Aboriginal dance professionals, collectives and companies. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/dance/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Media Arts Commissioning Program
Program description:
This program supports organizations commissioning Canadian artists to produce media artworks for presentation to local, national or international audiences. Grants contribute to costs related to the production and presentation of commissioned works.
Program eligibility:
Only organizations may apply to this program. Individual artists, festival programmers, commissioning editors and curators may not apply directly but rather must be designated by an eligible organization. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/mediaarts/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Inter-Arts Creation/Production Grants (for Individuals and Organizations)
Program description:
The Inter-Arts Program supports creation, production, dissemination and professional development of independent work by Canadian inter-arts professional artists and arts organizations in one of three inter-arts practices (including artists and community collaboration activities in one of these three artistic practices); performance art, interdisciplinary work and new artistic practices.
Program eligibility:
Creation/Production Grants are open to all Canadian inter-arts professional artists and arts organizations. Grants may be used to pursue a new individual or collective creative activity, including research, creation and/or production projects. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/interarts/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Grants to Theatre Artists: Creation/Residency/Professional Development
Program description:
This program includes four components: Individual Creation; Artist-in-Residency; Playwriting Residency; Professional Development.
Program eligibility:
Grants through all four components are available to Canadian professional theatre artists. Individual Creation grants support individual creation of new work. Artist-in-Residency grants support residencies for theatre professionals (administrators, playwrights, designers, directors, or other creative artists) with professional theatre companies receiving support from the Theatre Section. Playwriting Residency grants support specific programs of new creation undertaken with the direct involvement of a professional theatre company receiving support from the Theatre Section. Professional Development grants support programs of work that contribute to advancing the continued professional development of the artist or administrator. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Dance on Screen Production Fund (Pilot Program)
Program description:
This program supports the production and dissemination of Canadian professional screen-based dance work on film, video or using new media. These works must have the potential to reach broad audiences, in all regions, on the large or small screen.
Program eligibility:
The lead applicants can be Canadian dance or media artists, choreographers, independent directors, producers or production companies. A producer or production company must be either the lead or co-applicant. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/dance/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Theatre Presenting Program: Festival Co-production Assistance
Program description:
The Theatre Presenting Program provides support to presenters whose activities reinforce Canada's professional theatre touring and presenting infrastructure, contribute to the development of increasingly appreciative and knowledgeable audiences for theatre in Canada, increase the touring and presentation possibilities for Canadian theatre artists, and increase their visibility and production quality. The program assists presenters of theatre for young audiences as well as theatre for adult audiences. Festival Co-production Assistance The festival co-production assistance provides project support to Canadian theatre festivals that have a track record of enhancing the national and international visibility of participating artists and that wish to co-produce with Canadian theatre companies and artists. These co-productions may be intended for young or adult audiences. The objectives are to: encourage co-production between theatre festivals that offer high visibility and theatre producers who are developing work of exceptional quality; enhance the production values and possibilities of new Canadian works; enhance the visibility and impact of new Canadian works nationally and internationally; increase national and international touring and co-production opportunities for Canadian theatre companies and artists; increase audiences for Canadian theatre companies and artists.
Program eligibility:
Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and Canadian groups, collectives or organizations may apply. All Canada Council for the Arts programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artists or arts organizations of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Canadian Television Fund
Program description:
Canadian Television Fund's objective is to assist with the creation and prime time broadcast of high-quality and culturally significant Canadian television programs in both official languages in the drama, variety, children's, documentaries, and performing arts genres, and by both the majority and minority official-languages production sectors. English-language drama stream. Broadcaster performance envelope stream. Special initiatives stream.
Program eligibility:
Any Canadian-controlled independent production company or broadcaster affiliated production company may apply for financing. The Fund supports programming in English, French, and Aboriginal languages in the categories of drama, documentary, variety, children's and youth programming, and variety and performing arts. A Canadian broadcaster must show fund-assisted projects in prime time within two years of completion.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadiantelevisionfund.ca
Organization: Canadian Heritage
Program: Canada Music Fund (Creators' Assistance Program administered by The SOCAN Foundation)
Program description:
Canadian Heritage's Canada Music Fund (Creators' Assistance Program administered by The SOCAN Foundation) seeks to strengthen the Canadian sound recording industry from creator to audience. The Fund has three overarching public policy goals: to ensure that Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs have the skills, know-how, and tools to succeed in a global and digital environment; to enhance Canadians' access to a diverse range of Canadian music choices through existing and emerging media; to increase the opportunities available for Canadian music artists and cultural entrepreneurs to make a significant and lasting contribution to Canadian cultural expression.
Program eligibility:
Varies according to program but generally Canadian individuals, firms and organizations in the music industry.
More information:
For information about their programs, contact the Socan Foundation:
Telephone (416) 445-8700; Toll free 1 800 557-6226; Fax (416) 442-3372;
E-mail: macmillanr(at)socan.ca; Website: www.socanfoundation.ca
Organization: Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR), The
Program: Juried Sound Recording Loan Program
Program description:
The FACTOR Loan program assists Canadian owned and controlled labels and Canadian artists by partially financing the production costs of sound recordings or music DVD's for commercial release. If the applicant meets FACTOR's distribution criteria. FACTOR may provide a loan of up to a maximum of $25,000 or $2,500 per track which represents 50% of the total eligible budget. If the applicant does not meet the FACTOR distribution criteria, FACTOR may provide a loan of up to a maximum of $15,000 or $1,500 per track which represents 50% of the total eligible budget.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.factor.ca
Organization: Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR), The
Program: Video Program
Program description:
The Video Program was developed to assist with the financing of music videos to support currently released albums by Canadian artists. The album which the video supports must meet FACTOR's distribution criteria. The sound recording that this video will support must have sold a minimum of 2,000 confirmed units. The maximum amount of funding available is based on numbers sold to a maximum of $20,000 or $40,000 respectively which represents 75% of the total eligible budget.
Program eligibility:
Applicants must be Canadian-owned and controlled labels, record production companies or Canadian artists. Applicants must own the Canadian copyright of the video and the master sound recording of the song. The sound recording, which the video supports, must have FACTOR-recognized distribution. The application must be in support of a commercially released, professionally manufactured sound recording, containing a bar code and catalogue number. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.factor.ca
Organization: Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR), The
Program: Demo Program
Program description:
This program assists new artists, professional songwriters (songwriters that are members of a performing rights organization) and publishers with the production of their songs on a high quality demo recording, as well as basic press kit expenses, to enhance their career. FACTOR may provide a contribution of up to a maximum of $2,000 which represents 75% of the total eligible recording budget.
Program eligibility:
The applicant must be the artist or a representative of the artist. The artist and applicant must be a Canadian citizen or Landed Immigrant. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.factor.ca
Organization: Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR), The
Program: Direct Board Approval Program – Sound Recording
Program description:
This program has been created to support sound recording or music DVD projects. Funding is to a maximum of $90,000, not to exceed 50% of the eligible budget and not to exceed the total cash expenditure.
Program eligibility:
The Applicant Company: must be a qualified Direct Board Approval company which has accessed the DBA program in a previous fiscal year's and must have accessed the DBA program for no less than three years; OR you must have achieved a level of performance that meets or surpasses the industry average as determined by FACTOR. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.factor.ca
Organization: Multi-level funding partnership
Program: Arts Partners in Creative Development
Program description:
Arts Partners in Creative Development is a new strategic investment partnership with resources to assist BC arts and cultural organizations in the creation and development of new works, or the further development of existing works, with the intent of producing or exhibiting these works at the highest standard.
Program eligibility:
"A single organization may apply alone or in collaboration with other arts and cultural organizations. The lead applicant must have been in operation for a minimum of two years and fall under one of the following categories: professional arts organization (theatre, dance, music, literary, festivals, interdisciplinary, visual and media arts) that is registered as a non-profit society in the Province of British Columbia; public museum, art gallery or arts and cultural organization registered as a non-profit society in the Province of British Columbia or constituted under a local government authority in British Columbia; arts and cultural organization constituted under a local First Nations’ authority in the Province of British Columbia. Applicants must have a history of public presentation, exhibition, and/or developing, producing and presenting (performing arts) new artistic work. There must be intent on the part of the applicant to present the work publicly beyond creation and development. The applicant must have ongoing paid professional artistic leadership and must pay artistic contributors for their services in accordance with generally accepted professional standards. The applicant must adhere to all terms of the Canadian Copyright Act. The lead applicant may commission the work of an individual artist or collective and can involve a partnership/collaboration with other artists or arts organizations. If more than one artist or arts organization is involved, the collective or partnership/collaboration must be clearly defined. All artists/arts organizations involved must be, or employ, professional artists. A professional artist is defined as: one who has received basic training in their field (not necessarily at an educational institution), is recognized as such by peers working in the same artistic tradition, actively practices their art form and seeks payment for it, and has a history of public presentation or publication for their work.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.artspartners.ca
Organization: SOCAN Foundation, The
Program: Festival Grants
Program description:
Festivals that feature the music of Canadian music creators and performers are considered.
Program eligibility:
Applicants are encouraged to include workshops for songwriters and composers in their festivals. (Request Festival Criteria and application.) Classical music festivals must apply under Event and Project Grants. For the purposes of this program, festival denotes a non-profit professional arts festival taking place over a concentrated period of time in which pop, jazz, folk, blues or roots music is the principal component, and in which at least 50 percent of the music has been written and/or arranged by Canadian songwriters or composers. Classical music festivals are not included here and are asked to complete the Foundation's general grant application form in the Event and Project grants category. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
For information about their programs, contact the Socan Foundation:
Telephone (416) 445-8700; Toll free 1 800 557-6226; Fax (416) 442-3372;
E-mail: macmillanr(at)socan.ca; Website: www.socanfoundation.ca
Organization: SOCAN Foundation, The
Program: Concert Music Season Grants
Program description:
Funding is provided to established performance organizations for classical music concert series where the music is predominantly Canadian.
Program eligibility:
Applications for a single concert are not considered. Preference will be given to events or projects beneficial to several SOCAN members, to organizations or institutions rather than to an individual. Requests from private individuals who otherwise qualify will also be considered. Projects may be local, regional, national or international in scope. Where applicable, programming of works by SOCAN members must account for at least 50% of the total duration of works performed and the applicant's SOCAN licence fees must be current. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
For information about their programs, contact the Socan Foundation:
Telephone (416) 445-8700; Toll free 1 800 557-6226; Fax (416) 442-3372;
E-mail: macmillanr(at)socan.ca; Website: www.socanfoundation.ca