Organization: BC Arts Council
Program: Banff Centre Production Residencies for B.C. Artists
Program description:
The purpose of Production Residencies is to allow selected artists to integrate and refine the production elements of a new work which has already completed its initial stages of development.
Program eligibility:
Individuals, companies, collectives, ensembles and organizations eligible for support under BC Arts Council programs in the professional disciplines of music, dance or theatre, may apply for Banff Centre Production Residencies for B.C. Artists.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.bcartscouncil.ca
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Visiting Foreign Artists Program
Program description:
The Visiting Foreign Artists Program provides grants to Canadian professional arts organizations to encourage visits by individual professional foreign artists of outstanding achievement. Organizations may invite an individual artist from any foreign country.
Program eligibility:
Professional Canadian arts organizations that have received at least one grant from the Canada Council for the Arts in the last three years are eligible to apply to this program. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/grants/xr127234091658125000.htm
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: International Residencies Program in Visual Arts
Program description:
Grants contribute towards subsistence, travel, production costs, accommodation and residency fees for professional Canadian artists to participate in an international residency.
Program eligibility:
The International Residencies Program in Visual Arts is intended for professional artists working in the visual arts (including photography), fine craft, and independent criticism and curating.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/visualarts/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Grants to Theatre Artists: Creation/Residency/Professional Development
Program description:
This program includes four components: Individual Creation; Artist-in-Residency; Playwriting Residency; and Professional Development.
Program eligibility:
Grants through all four components are available to Canadian professional theatre artists. Individual Creation grants support individual creation of new work. Artist-in-Residency grants support residencies for theatre professionals (administrators, playwrights, designers, directors, or other creative artists) with professional theatre companies receiving support from the Theatre Section. Playwriting Residency grants support specific programs of new creation undertaken with the direct involvement of a professional theatre company receiving support from the Theatre Section. Professional Development grants support programs of work that contribute to advancing the continued professional development of the artist or administrator. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/theatre/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Grants to New Media and Audio Artists: New Media Residencies
Program description:
The New Media Residencies grants encourage creative collaboration and knowledge exchange between artists working with new information and communications technologies (“new media”) as means of artistic expression and other sectors of society that are working with new or emergent technologies. The program supports projects that provide mutual benefit to artists and host organizations through: research residencies; production residencies.
Program eligibility:
Only eligible host organizations may apply; artists may not apply directly to this program. Artists who work with a host organization must maintain significant creative control over their project. There is no minimum duration for the proposed residency. However, residencies of three months or more are encouraged. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/mediaarts/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Literary Readings and Author Residencies Program: Author Residencies
Program description:
Author Residencies provides financial assistance to organizations that wish to retain the services of a writer-in-residence and are able to match the contribution made by the Canada Council. The purpose is to encourage exchange between the author and the community, and to enable the author to work on a writing project.
Program eligibility:
Applicants must demonstrate that they have the organizational and financial capacities to host a professionally published Canadian writer in an effective and professional manner. Hosts are encouraged to develop public lecture series or innovative ways of fostering public appreciation for Canadian writing as part of the activities planned for the writer-in-residence. Innovative residencies that involve communities not typically exposed to Canadian literature are particularly encouraged. Residencies involving writers from outside the host’s city are also strongly encouraged. Before applying to the program, host organizations must contact their proposed author to obtain his or her agreement to fulfil the terms of the author residency. A written agreement between the host and the author must be signed and included in the application. Authors do not have to be selected through a call-for-proposals process. Hosts must also determine whether the writers are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and whether they have been published professionally before the application deadline. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/writing/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Residencies for Composers and Conductors
Program description:
The Residencies for Composers and Conductors program assists in the professional development of Canadian composers and conductors. This program addresses the needs of both the classical contemporary/new music and non-classical music traditions. It fosters partnerships and collaborations among professional arts organizations, performers and Canadian creators, while offering Canadian and foreign audiences greater access to Canadian works.
Program eligibility:
Professional, non-profit Canadian music-performing organizations (for example, orchestras, opera companies, choirs, jazz ensembles and world music ensembles) are eligible to apply for funds to support a composer-in-residence and (or) a conductor-in-residence. Applicants may apply individually or collectively and must be able to demonstrate a commitment to Canadian repertoire/creation. Other types of performing arts organizations or non-arts organizations are eligible to collaborate with such music-performing organizations, but only a music-performing organization may be the lead applicant.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/music/
Organization: Canada Council for the Arts, The
Program: Assistance to Culturally Diverse Curators for Residencies in the Visual Arts
Program description:
This initiative supports professional development in all aspects of curatorial practice in the visual arts for culturally diverse curators at their chosen host institution. For this program, the visual arts include painting, sculpture, mixed media, installation, media arts, new media, photography and craft. The purpose of this program is to expand the national pool of curatorial professionals who are of African, Asian, Latin American and Middle Eastern origin, and to advance knowledge and expertise in Canadian visual arts institutions.
Program eligibility:
The curatorial resident and the eligible host institution must apply jointly. Priority will be given to applications that clearly demonstrate that the details of the residency are mutually agreeable to the individual and the institution. The minimum duration of each residency will be one year. Further eligibility requirements may apply.
More information:
Further information on programs and eligibility available at: www.canadacouncil.ca/visualarts/
Organization: SOCAN Foundation, The
Program: Composer Outreach Residencies
Program description:
This program is designed to bring together Canadian composers with concert presenters to increase interest in and support for contemporary music and its performance.
Program eligibility:
Ensembles may apply for assistance to bring composers into their communities for Short- (3 to 5 days) or Long-term (3 weeks) Residencies.
More information:
For information about their programs, contact the Socan Foundation:
Telephone (416) 445-8700; Toll free 1 800 557-6226; Fax (416) 442-3372;
E-mail: macmillanr(at)socan.ca;
Website: www.socanfoundation.ca